Thursday, September 5, 2013


Life has been at a whirl wind speed.  I am struggling trying to keep things anchored down.  The winds will let up soon, and I will have to clean up the debris and carry on.

I decided to go up for promotion this year.  A big promotion.  From Extension associate professor, to Extension full professor.  I have realized, I work hard!  I accomplish alot!  I hire wonderful people!  I have a great husband who supports and loves me.  I have the best mom and dad who gave up tons of time to work with me on this.  I have great kids who never ever complained that I was mentally and physically missing this summer.

BUT, it is 99.5% done.  I have one more review from the committee.  And then edits and then off it goes.  Keeping my fingers crossed that all is well.  But, meanwhile, I feel like it's something I am going to release and let go.  I gave my best shot and fought hard.  So, while I may not win out with the promotion.  I know that I have done a great job of stewardship over the SNAP-Ed program.

Okay, now for debris.  I have things to change in my life.  I saw this awesome weight loss video today and it is motivation to me.  That I will eat clean!

I can do this!
Photo show of weight loss (Time lapse)

I am healthy and I am strong.  I can achieve anything!

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