Thursday, March 8, 2012

Look how far I've come. . .

It's been 13 weeks - since I started training with Angela.
My progress has been fast and slow.
I am still overweight.  BUT, I am not gaining more weight.  I have lost 8 lbs..  I have lost lots and lots of inches too. And I have gained tons of muscles.  I can bench press 20 lb dumbbells in each hand (15 reps 3x).  I can run 10 minute mile for 20 minutes and then workout on other machines/lift/etc.  (when I started my mile was 14 minutes, today I can do 1 mile at an 8 min mile pace).  I don't ache as much as I did.

I love working out.  I love being strong. I love definition.  I love the high I get from it.  I love that my husband supports me a ton - I always have to show off my muscles to him and he pays attention, and tells me I'm strong and it makes me laugh.  I still have 30 lbs to go.  And I'm going to get there. But, today I am relishing in the fact that I am STRONG!

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