So, my first goal is to lose 38 lbs. It's been a process so far. I am in week 12 - of hard core 3X training. It's been good. I've lost 4 inches, but only 1% body fat. I am super strong. I can do things I never could. My clothes fit better. I eat tons of fruits and vegetables and have eliminated most garbage. I am happier. I love to workout!!! And that is huge. I am kind of a germ-a-phob. The gym is filled with people's sweat and yuck. And even my own is kind of scary. So, I'm learning to overcome fears, get healthy and hopefully lose weight (actually I know I will).
My trainer and I decided maybe I should check if it's my thyroid. So, I made an appointment with my Dr. just to check if my thyroid is messed up. I went to the Dr. last night. And had an eye opening experience. He basically did not listen or want to listen to anything I said. He commented that some people are destined to be overweight. And that even if I lost weight I would gain it all back.
SO - I won't be going back to him.
But, I kept thinking. I know nutrition. I know what foods I need to eat. I know that when I eat less than I burn - I will lose weight. So, what is he talking about? And the other thing I kept thinking is - that I know the Lord wants me to be happy too. The last Ensign had an article about that. I know that faith is believing and then doing all within my power to achieve. (Bible Dictionary - Faith - Faith is a principle of action and of power).
I didn't really get discouraged by him. I was shocked and surprised. But, then again people do weird things. Maybe he thought I was after surgery or drugs. Some people do that too. But, not me. I hope to never be on medication. I hope to never have a surgery.
So, basically instead of listening to others. We need to know the truth. There are laws about health. If I eat healthy and exercise (which I plan to be a very healthy active person), then the law of health says - I will be. Of course illness, injury and things can complicate it. But, I can be the healthiest me.
It just reminds me - that not everyone knows what they are talking about and so we need to have those we trust in our corner.
I didn't mean to post my Dr. It was just a Dr. (I had never been to him before).