Monday, November 28, 2011

James Teaches Us To Bridle Our Tongue

Tonight we had a condensed Family Home Evening.  Joel pulled out the scriptures and read about bridling our tongues.  It was a wonderful mini lesson.  A few weeks ago we heard it in Sunday School.  But, yesterday I posted about people being mean and not knowing why.  Here are some things James teaches us (BTW, did you know James was Jesus brother?  How cool is that? I didn't until the lesson in Sunday School.)

James 1:26

 26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his atongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion isbvain.
James 3:2-13
 For in many things we aoffend all. If any man boffend not incword, the same is a dperfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
 Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body.
 Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and aredriven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the agovernor listeth.
 Even so the tongue is a little member, and aboasteth great things. Behold, how great a bmatter a little fire kindleth!
 And the atongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
 For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
 But the atongue can no man tame; it is an bunruly evil, full of deadly poison.
 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith acursewe men, which are made after the bsimilitude of God.
 10 Out of the same amouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
 11 Doth a afountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
 12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.
 13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good aconversation his works withbmeekness of wisdom.

Peter 3:10
 10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him arefrainhis btongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no cguile:

Mosiah 4:30
 30 But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not awatchyourselves, and your bthoughts, and your cwords, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and dcontinue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.

As I review these scriptures, I hope and pray that I am not mean to others.  That I show my religion through kindness and gentleness.  Some things do not need to be said.  Some things do not even need to be thought.  I so want to be a better person.  I hope if I have offended or hurt someone, they will forgive me.  For my religion is to try to live like our Savior.  To have the Savior help make the difference for me so that I can have eternal life with my family.

I am so grateful for the blessing in my life - good people, good ideas, and great blessings!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


She who does her task from day to day,
And meets whatever comes her way,
Believing God has willed it so
Has found true greatness here below.

Who guards her past, no matter where
Believing God must need her there
Although but lowly 'til it be,
Will rise to true nobility.

For great and low there's but one test.
It is that each shall do her best,
For who works with love makes this her goal.
Shall live and rise a noble soul.

-Grandma Georgia LeBlanc

Why are people mean?

I have often wondered why someone thinks they need to say something when it's mean.  Anyone know?  I am disturbed by this.  I don't know what their mission is.  Do they feel bad about themselves so by putting down others it lifts them in some absurd way?  Not sure what the answer is.

But, my mamma taught me "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."  I have to agree with that.  I find that when I say something that wasn't so nice, it doesn't help me feel better, or the person I said it too.  Basically, when I am mean: I feel worthless and disappointed in myself.  So, I agree with my mamma.  "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

Now, as an adult, I wonder why people are still mean.  I wonder what their motives are.  I wonder if they think by saying the thing they shouldn't be saying, that it will save the world?  So, the other day, my son said to me, "Not trying to be mean, . .. but, . . . . "  I stopped him right in his tracks and said.  So, what you are saying, is "I am going to be mean.  I am going to tell you something and because I preface it with this statement, you will just have to forgive me, because quite honestly I am going to say it anyway."  He stopped.  And thought.  And then said, "Mom, your right, that isn't so nice to say."

So, my next thought.  How to handle someone who is just full of criticism all the time.

Hummm  . . . So, as I was typing I remembered a bunch of poems, thoughts, and things that my dear sweet Grandma Great left for us.  Here is what she said:

The Answers to your problems.
1.  I've been criticized - go to Matthew 5:44
2.  I'm discouraged - go to Luke 18:27
3.  I'm tempted - go to 1 Corinthians 10:13
4.  I anger easily - go to Proverbs 15:1
5.  I'm afraid - go to Joshua 1:9
6.  I criticize to others too much - go to John 8:7
7.  I lack self confidence - go to Matthew 7:7
8.  Does faith elude me? - go to Hebrews 11:1
9.  I need more strength - go to Philippians 4:13

I miss my dear Grandma Great.  She was the kindest, sweetest, most influential person in my life.  I am very grateful she left so much for me, to help me along my journey.

Grandma gave me advice when I got married.  She said, "You can catch more flies with honey, then you can with vinegar."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

100 Acre Woods (REPOSTED From Canfield Composition)

In the 100 Acre Wood

Yesterday in a rare moment of relative 'quiet' (meaning that only four of my six very loud children were screaming at ear-piercing decibels) I happened to catch the weatherman's forecast on the evening news. Are they even called that anymore?  I don't think that's the politically correct term these days, because these days, it seems everything must tout politically correct terminology.  But that's another post for another time.  Anyway, his description was something like this: "Another windy, dreary day here in east Tennessee".  And I wondered to myself which Tennessee he was talking about!  In my east Tennessee it was a beautiful, blustery, almost-chilly day (Christopher Robin, eat your heart out).  Leaves skitter across the roads; breezes billow my living room curtains.  I've loved having the windows open and listening to the birds in the trees on my front lawn.  And if the kids are eating, I can even hear the breeze blowing the leaves.

Isn't it interesting that two people can have such vastly differing views on the same event (or weather conditions or what have you)?  Truly happy people in life are able to maintain that positive perspective, no matter the challenges or trials they may be facing.  And I'm pretty sure that I want to be 'one of those' people.  I want to find joy in whatever comes my way.  Life experiences have taught me that this isn't always so easy.  But life has also taught me that I am so much happier when I'm able to find joy in this journey.

So this day I resolve to try harder to find the light in the dark, especially when it'd be easier to just stay in the dark (I think I must be part groundhog).  The next time I'm stuck behind an oblivious little Grandma speeding along the interstate at a reckless 52 mph in the left lane, I'll just turn up the radio and sing along like nobody's listening.  And the next time my moody preteen screeches at me, I'll be thankful that she has such a beautiful voice.  When my husband leaves his dirty laundry on the bedroom floor, I'll be thankful that I have a home at all when so many in this world are not so blessed to be able to say that.  Then I'll pick up the dirty laundry and lovingly place it under his pillow.  I mean, let's not get carried away here.  There's plenty of time to improve.  Besides, I need to save things to work on next month.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oopsa Daisy! (good laughs)

So, this morning I shut my door in the car door.  Yep!  I did.  Well, I closed the door on the car as I stepped forward and it whacked me in the nose.  It bled a lot and looks kinda hideous.  All this as I was running of to work for an important day of interviews.  The ironic thing about this is, is that my Staff Assistant at work did this very same thing about a month ago.   Now really, who shuts their nose in the car door?

Another oopsa daisy incident happened about a month ago.  I was getting ready for work when my little girl came in my room and turned the lights out.  I proceeded to pull on my clothes and shoes and head to work.  As I was walking across the parking lot into work, I noticed that my shoes felt funny and just assumed it was because I am more of a jean and tennis shoes girl than a high heel one.  So, off I went.  Then I went to lunch with my parents.  As I was getting out of the car, my right foot came on and I was pretty sure that wasn't the same shoe that was on the other foot.  Yep.  I checked.  It wasn't.  The ironic things is that my mom did this very thing like 15-20 years ago.  Oh boy!

Okay, so since I am on a roll with telling stories.  Here is a good one.  Probably my most embarrassing moment - but it's okay because no one around knew who I was but my husband.  Although, he gets a great laugh and tells EVERYONE!  So, on our first trip to Hawaii, we went snorkling at Hanauma Bay, and I was quite nervous.  So, I tried to stay by Joel.  He let go of me at one point and so I grabbed hold and we were swimming quickly.  Apparently, the person I was holding onto wasn't Joel - because Joel grabbed my foot and I let go of the guy - who frantically swam away trying to get a way from me, whom he thought was totally psycho!  It is kinda funny.  I do feel bad for that guy - I bet he still freaks out.  Ha, Ha.. .

Anyways, I just thought I would write something funny, because I think we need to be able to laugh more at ourselves.  I think it's important for us to be less serious and love life, because it's good.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What a Crazy Week!

Last week, I had lots of meetings, lots of extra things and it was a wonderful week!

I got to take my kids here.  OK!  I absolutely loved it!  We had out own little house there.  It snowed and it was just like Christmas.  What a great opportunity!  And why did we go?  I got called to be a guest speaker at the UAFCS conference.  I got to talk about making a difference.

I loved it!  It was amazing!  I loved getting to know all the FCS teachers and professionals out there.  I learned so much from them.  And had a fabulous time.

So, I learned a few things while I was away.
1.  Don't forget your computer cord, if you have to present.  :)
2.  If you forget your cord, save your presentation often.

It all turned out okay.  I got to save it all.  So, that was a blessing.

I also, learned that often times life comes at us and when we are prepared it's easy to be flexible.  I believe in change.  I love change.  I love changes in seasons, changes in my furniture, etc.  And, have always felt that I was fairly flexible.  I was just reminded of how important it is to be flexible!  And it's okay that things don't always work out to the plan.  Remember this post, when I felt like my plans don't always work out my way.  Well, that is true.  But, whose to say, my way was best anyhow!