Friday, November 11, 2011

Oopsa Daisy! (good laughs)

So, this morning I shut my door in the car door.  Yep!  I did.  Well, I closed the door on the car as I stepped forward and it whacked me in the nose.  It bled a lot and looks kinda hideous.  All this as I was running of to work for an important day of interviews.  The ironic thing about this is, is that my Staff Assistant at work did this very same thing about a month ago.   Now really, who shuts their nose in the car door?

Another oopsa daisy incident happened about a month ago.  I was getting ready for work when my little girl came in my room and turned the lights out.  I proceeded to pull on my clothes and shoes and head to work.  As I was walking across the parking lot into work, I noticed that my shoes felt funny and just assumed it was because I am more of a jean and tennis shoes girl than a high heel one.  So, off I went.  Then I went to lunch with my parents.  As I was getting out of the car, my right foot came on and I was pretty sure that wasn't the same shoe that was on the other foot.  Yep.  I checked.  It wasn't.  The ironic things is that my mom did this very thing like 15-20 years ago.  Oh boy!

Okay, so since I am on a roll with telling stories.  Here is a good one.  Probably my most embarrassing moment - but it's okay because no one around knew who I was but my husband.  Although, he gets a great laugh and tells EVERYONE!  So, on our first trip to Hawaii, we went snorkling at Hanauma Bay, and I was quite nervous.  So, I tried to stay by Joel.  He let go of me at one point and so I grabbed hold and we were swimming quickly.  Apparently, the person I was holding onto wasn't Joel - because Joel grabbed my foot and I let go of the guy - who frantically swam away trying to get a way from me, whom he thought was totally psycho!  It is kinda funny.  I do feel bad for that guy - I bet he still freaks out.  Ha, Ha.. .

Anyways, I just thought I would write something funny, because I think we need to be able to laugh more at ourselves.  I think it's important for us to be less serious and love life, because it's good.

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