Thursday, September 5, 2013


Life has been at a whirl wind speed.  I am struggling trying to keep things anchored down.  The winds will let up soon, and I will have to clean up the debris and carry on.

I decided to go up for promotion this year.  A big promotion.  From Extension associate professor, to Extension full professor.  I have realized, I work hard!  I accomplish alot!  I hire wonderful people!  I have a great husband who supports and loves me.  I have the best mom and dad who gave up tons of time to work with me on this.  I have great kids who never ever complained that I was mentally and physically missing this summer.

BUT, it is 99.5% done.  I have one more review from the committee.  And then edits and then off it goes.  Keeping my fingers crossed that all is well.  But, meanwhile, I feel like it's something I am going to release and let go.  I gave my best shot and fought hard.  So, while I may not win out with the promotion.  I know that I have done a great job of stewardship over the SNAP-Ed program.

Okay, now for debris.  I have things to change in my life.  I saw this awesome weight loss video today and it is motivation to me.  That I will eat clean!

I can do this!
Photo show of weight loss (Time lapse)

I am healthy and I am strong.  I can achieve anything!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Live Fit Trainer - 12 Week Challenge (Finish Strong)

In high school I attended Girls State and there I learned a quote that I have thought about since, "Aim High, Work Hard, Finish Strong."  Not sure who said it, but I wrote it down and kept it in my scriptures and use it daily.

So, in January some friends asked if I wanted to join them in a 12 week challenge called Live Fit, by Jamie Eason.  I said "yes" not knowing if I really would do it.  But, it started and I jumped on.  And it was great fun.  Well this is week 12.  I have now finished strong with my challenge and I have learned a lot from it.

12 things I learned from participating in Jamie Eason, Live Fit Training.

1.  I am happy.
2.  I am strong.
3.  I can complete anything I want to achieve.
4.  I have a very supportive family.
5.  I have a great network of support - friends, family, colleagues, boss.
6.  My kids help me achieve my goals.  (When Little Lu isn't begging me not to go to the gym).
7.  I found a cool study about power amino acids, that has totally intrigued me.
8.  When you make something a priority it just fits into your life.
9.  I am worth it.
10.  I am capable.
11.  I like new challenges, things that make me grow, and I will try anything (Ha, within reason).
12.  I am making a lifestyle change.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

HAPPY New Year

For the past 6 years I have set goals to meet the number of years I am.  For example, I will be 39 in 10 days.  :)  Wow!  I am getting old.  Ha, Ha.  But, I am celebrating this!  I love that I have lived 39 years. I love my life.  And I am prepping to set goals.

As, I was trying to decide what to do.  I told a friend, I wanted to do CLEAN as my theme.  I'd eat clean, clean my house of clutter, clean up my body with working out, clean up my thinking (stop reading things that don't really strengthen me, etc.) and clean up my life.  Ha!  I had to do 5 things - since there are 5 letters in CLEAN.  Don't ask me why.  I play games like that.  It helps me.  Ha, Ha.  So, this is a great idea.  But, I just didn't get the vibe this was what I really wanted to do.  

Last year, I made a deal with a friend that I wouldn't shop for clothing. Ummm.   I knew the theme Discipline didn't work.   I did last about 4 months.  And then I didn't have discipline anymore and shopped like a shop-a-holic.  

I was talking with my friend about my clean goals, I was telling her I have not done well at all.  I've tried to be clean for a week and half.  Of course, stupid time to do that.  Goodies, milk chocolate fudge, and cheesecake factory . . . what's a girl with no discipline to do.  Actually, I starved myself all day to go to the cheesecake factory, we didn't get to go, it was a 3 hour wait.  So, we went to chick-fa-la.  Oh gosh, fried chicken, fried french fries and a chocolate shake about killed me.  By time I had a few bites my tummy and body were saying please just give us a vegetable.  PLEASE!  So, clean eating was a struggle too.  No discipline.  :(

I need a goal that I can succeed at.  A goal I can accomplish and feel happy!  That's it, I need to set my goal to be HAPPY!  I am going to live my life, as I am the Happiest person on earth!  Because you know what, I AM!!!!

So, what is it that I know about being happy?????

I read a book by Dan Baker called what Happy People Know.  (Fabulous, life altering book BTW).
In the book it highlights some pretty fabulous stuff.  Here is some of the things from my Cliff Notes:


1.    Appreciation – purest, strongest form of liove.  Asks for nothing.  But gives everything! 
           I will be grateful each day!  
           I will keep a gratitude journal.
           I will let others know I am grateful for them, for their service, for their love.
2.    Choice – Father of freedom and voice of love.
          I will make choices that keep me free!
          I will choose to read only uplifting things that bless me to be HAPPY!
          I will choose to serve my Heavenly Father.
          I will choose to keep my house in order.
          I will choose to be HAPPY!
          I will choose to be the best wife and mother ever!
3.    Personal power – my life belongs to me and me alone.  Take responsibility to do something about it.  Keeps you from being a victim.  I can handle whatever life dishes out.  I don’t need to be popular, don’t need to be right.  I’m secure.
         I will know that my life belongs to me!
         I will take responsibility to do great things to make my life HAPPY!
         I will not ever be a victim. 
         I will handle whatever life dishes out.
         I will be secure with who I am.
4.    Leading with my Strengths.  Take path of intellect and spirit.  Don’t try to fix weaknesses --- lead with strengths.  Focus on what your good at and improve those and the weaknesses will improve too.
        I will look at all I do and find the strength I provided.
        I will lead with the things I am strongest at.
        I will focus on what I do good and improve that.
5.    The power of language and stories – we don’t describe the world we see – we see the world we describe.
        I will look at my world and describe it.  
        I will see the best world I could possibly live in.
        I will create new opportunities for my life.
6.    Multidimensional living – balance wit relationships, health and purpose.  We need to have a purpose.
        I will be better at balancing my family and work.  
        I will work harder than ever to be stronger than ever.
        I will love my hard work and it will pay off.
        I will act only for purpose and not react.
        I will define my purpose.
5 Happiness Traps
1.    Trying to buy happiness
        I will not shop to console my soul. 
        I will shop only for needs.
        I will do activities that can feed my hungry self instead of indulging through extreme behaviors.
2.    Trying to find happiness through pleasure
        I will find things I love to do and do them.
        I will incorporate art into my life again.
        I will have the pleasure of being a kind and loving mother who is firm and dedicated.
3.    Trying to be happy by reliving the past
        I will let the past go.
        I will forgive myself.
        I will forgive others who have hurt me.
4.    Trying to be happy by overcoming weaknesses
        I will always look at my strengths and list them.
        I will make an abundant life (vision) board to remind me of my incredible 39th year.
Trying to force happiness
  I will have fun.
  I will learn to have the Lord in my life.
& I will enjoy this process.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

8 Weeks . . .

4 PARTS - Day 1

1.  Embrace the gospel -
I am determined to be "Deliberate and Dedicated" to such a conversion and conviction that I am not ashamed of the gospel.  That "I am mormon, I know it.  I live it.  I love it."  Each day, I am committed to showing how I am a mormon.  How I know it, I live it, and I love it.

My testimony. . .
I am a mormon, I knew long ago that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was true.  Do I still know it?  Mostly.  Sometimes, I forget what is most important.  And of course, it's the little things.  I am so blessed to have our church, to have the spiritual inspiration to know that I have a plan and a purpose here on earth and that I can through our Savior, Jesus Christ  - "Be of Good Cheer."  He has made the way for me to repent that I may gain Eternal life and live with him and my family.  I know that as I gain hope in him, I can have the faith needed to help me throughout this life.  I am grateful for the lessons I am learning.

Now, I need to live it!  How can I improve to show that I live the gospel of Jesus Christ?  I need to make sure I do not speak ill of others, this includes especially my dear sweet family.

My family goal - Quentin Cook's message.  "Immersion in the scriptures is essential for spiritual nourishment."

2.  Eat well and work hard -
I can throw 30 lbs of dumbbells all over the place.  I can lift way more than I can even imagine.  I know that.  I do it often.  But, I still have 30 lbs more to loose.  So, Saturday, my family and I ran/walked a 5K.  I had to carry my little one for about 1/2 a mile.  It was hard.  She weighs about 30 lbs.  I then realized the extra weight I am carrying around is hard too.  It makes me tired.  It hurts my joints and my bones.  I have been working out at the gym for almost 1 year.  I have made the most amazing friend.  Someone who believes in me, challenges me, and helps me.  She will be moving in May.  It's hard for me to think about.  All, I know is that by May, I've got to be strong enough that I can motivate myself and be strong for myself.  I know I can do it on my own.  It's the motivation I have been lacking.  I guess I have been letting other things get in the way.  Soooo.  My goal is to lose all 30 lbs of extra by time she leaves.

How will I do this?
1.  Eat fresh whole foods as much as possible.  I will FILL my life with apples, oranges, cucumbers, bananas, carrots, . . . . I love them and I should eat them.
2.  Drink tons of water.  I love water too.  It is my favorite.
3.  Increase my protein, get what I need.  I need more for my muscle development - with all my extra lifting, etc.
4.  Workout no matter what.  I have a gym membership, I can workout at work, I have a road and a sidewalk. . . I should have NOO excuse.  This winter, we will all have snow shoes.  I plan to use them often.  If it doesn't snow, I have running shoes.  I should use those often too.  I will need to develop a plan each day.

3.  Love my spouse -
Joel and I have had a crazy few months.  It's been tough on us both.  He has been away for work and away for family stuff.  I have been here.  He is such an incredible guy.  He loves me so much he never wants to burden my life.  He loves me so much he lets me vent, and he just listens.  He loves me so much he would do anything for me.  I really need to help him know what I need and I need to really focus on what he needs.

How will I do this?
1.  I plan to listen to him.
2.  I plan to help him on the house.  Our new normal will be working on the house each day.  I can do clean-up.  I can help hang boards, and sand dry wall, and pull electrical wires.  I can save money and do the things necessary to complete this project.  I am committed to do just that.
3.  I plan to write a gratitude journal for all the things he does for me.  He is such a spiritual giant and a great father.  I need to make sure I let him know each day how grateful I ma for the strength he gives me.

4.  Joy in my journey -
I am not going to compete with others.  I am going to be ME.  I am going to develop my hobbies, talents and be the best ME I can be.

How will I do this?
1.  Listen to my kids and have fun.
2.  Listen to my husband and develop family memories that will last forever.
3.  Love the building of the house.
4.  Paint and draw often and teach my children to enhance their skills.

5.  Simplify -
I am going to eliminate the unnecessary things from my life.  With work, with play, with home. . . .I sometimes feel I gain worth by running ragged.  But, I am going to focus on the most important things first.  The Lord.  My family.  The gospel.

Thanksgiving Challenge - ME in 8 weeks

In 8 weeks I turn 39 years old.  And I plan to celebrate each of those years!  I have many friends who say, I'm 29 and holding.  Not me.  I am 39 years old and I have loved my life.  I have had many ups and downs and things have not turned out the way I had planned.  BUT, I wouldn't change it for anything.

So, for the next 8 weeks I am going to be stronger and healthier in all aspects of my life.

1.  Embrace the gospel - I am going to pick out 2 things from General Conference that I can apply to my life that will strengthen me and my family.

2.  Eat well and work hard - I am going to take my physical fitness to the next level.  I am going to work hard to be stronger than I have ever been.  To include my family and mostly have a great time doing it!

3.  Love my spouse - I am going to be grateful for each and everything he does for me.  And work towards making his life happy.

4.  I'm going to find joy in my journey -I actually have lots of fun, and do this often.  I would so much rather toss my dishes in the sink and go paint with my kids.  Or read.  Or play card games.  I am going to work each day, just to be happy.

5.  Simplify - I am going to assess the busy-ness in my life and eliminate it.  So, I can focus on the importance.

ME in 31 days! DONE

1.  Dressing your truth.
Ha, Ha.  I wore black this afternoon and kinda felt funny.  Although at church today, I had on black nylons  with polka dots and black shoes.  Loved that.  Still not sure about the black sweater.  Ha.  I love black.  It just felt weird.  But, like I have said.  I will wear color and have fun, but still love black.  And I really don't love CT's dressing your truth.

To me, what is dressing your truth?  I think dressing your truth is knowing what you love and being who you are.  Who are you?  Who tells you who you are?  I think you just know.

We kinda had a discussion about this.  When you embrace something like this, why do you do it?  What did CT say that would make you believe her ideas are right on?  She doesn't have degrees and background.  She just made it up????  Is it people are so hungry they are searching for something to lift them?

One more thing that has bothered me about the DYT stuff.  WHY does she have a store that caters to what type of person you are?  It sort of reminds me of a fad diet.

Oh well.  Enough about DYT.  I did my 31 days and now, I plan to move onward and upward. ;)

2.  Eat clean.  I have gone a whole month having no-sugar days.  Love the way they make me feel.  So, a few things I have learned.  1.  I need protein, helps even my moods.  2.  I need to eat more fresh/whole foods, feels me.  The more real food I eat, the less I crave or feel hungry.  3.  Sometimes we feed ourselves for other feelings than hunger - sometimes we are hungry for love, friendship .. . I found that I am defiantly an emotional eater.

So being an emotional eater, I found that I need to figure out what I can do to make things better.  For example, I find myself being more thoughtful, asking questions why I am eating.  Why I am eating at certain times. ETC.  It's helpful to really think!

I know I have been trained to think before doing.  And it is sooo true.  Sometimes, we are so mindless with out eating.  So, I'm keeping this section moving forward.  In fact, I am going to do a few things in a new challenge.  Coming soon in my next post.  :)

3.  Kids and Spouse.  Will continue to work on this.  I decided I am going to make some plans.  1st, I am going to do what Elder Sitaki did, I am going to focus on 2 things from conference and work on them throughout the year as a family.  Of course, I am going to focus on at least 1 for the family and 1 for me.

4.  Exercise - I had a successful weekend with my kids.  They both did a 5k.  It's just 3 miles but for a little one and a not so big one, it was big.  They both found success and they will do it again!  SUCCESS!

5.  Sleep.  Doing pretty good.  Early to bed.  Early to rise.

6.  Save money - totally have a budget plan.  It's gonna be awesome.  Gotta focus on it and move forward.

7.  House - cleaning for a party this next week.  I love to host parties.  :)  Can't wait to have a house to really have lots of parties in.  :)

8.  Turn work off.  Doing MUCH better.

So, grateful for these challenges.  Glad this 31 days is over.  Now, on to the next challenge.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

ME, Days 19 - 26

Almost through this challenge.  Whew!  I am trying to talk my hubby into doing a challenge with me.  He says, "I'm not into challenges."  Ha, ha.

1.  Dressing your truth - I am certain, I will change a few things, as I have mentioned;
      a.  Bold colors are fun for me.
      b.  I will bring in my favorite blacks, probably won't wear black slacks, but I have a few sweaters        that I LOVE and a couple skirts and dresses.  And of course shoes and boots.  In fact, I am wearing black boots right now.  :)
      c.  I will wear more jewelry.
      d.  I will wear fun colors of make-up.  I swore back in high school, I would never wear blue.  I have turquoise eye liner on.  So, never say never.  :)
      e.  Dressing the truth is more than just clothing.  It's finding out who you are.  And having the freedom to be that person.  My friend who is doing it, is amazing.  She looks great.  She is really embracing it and it's working well for her.

2.  Eat Clean - doing good for 4 days and then 3 free.  Probably need to only have 1 day or 2.  Or zero. Things I have learned:
      a.  I can go without treats mostly.  Halloween was tough - well the week after halloween was.  I made it, we still have candy, I didn't eat it all that weekend.  But, just having the food around was tough for me.
      b.  I am finding what I need to feed.  It's not hunger.  I have other things that make me want to eat.  What are they?  Am I addicted to certain foods - this I have known forever.  I just don't know what to do about it just yet.  I am reading an amazing book called "The Hunger Fix" and it is really a good one. It's really prepping me to figure out what i need to do.  I'm excited to finish reading.
     c.  When I am emotional, angry mostly, I found I need protein.

3.  Kids and spouse - still love them.  Actually, I have learned one thing about being hungry, we are hungry for attention at our house.  My kids asked the other day if they could have dessert, which they had pie for lunch and I said "no, we don't need dessert twice in one day".  Then I said, I would play a game with them.  They loved it.  It was soooo filling!

4.  Exercise - yesterday I scared myself.  I thought I was pulling or tearing my shoulder.  It made me nervous. Really nervous.  BUT,  I didn't.  I have been pumping some serious weights keeping up with the other gals in our group.  I decided I need to maintain, and gain slowly.  I don't have to keep up.  I have to do what is best for me.

5.  Sleep - last night I didn't sleep well.  But, I have slept better most of the week.  I even wake up super early like 5:30 a.m..  It's nice.  I think it's because I don't eat sugary foods or eat out.  What a difference I am feeling.

6.  Save money - next month I will be back on track.  I've got to be more careful.  Make a budget.

7.   House - we are decorating for Christmas.  Love it.  It's fun.  Today, I even hung the outside lights since it was absolutely beautiful today.

8.  Turn work off - still a work in progress.  No pun intended.  :)

To another 6 days!  As my good friend says, "We've got this."