Sunday, November 18, 2012

8 Weeks . . .

4 PARTS - Day 1

1.  Embrace the gospel -
I am determined to be "Deliberate and Dedicated" to such a conversion and conviction that I am not ashamed of the gospel.  That "I am mormon, I know it.  I live it.  I love it."  Each day, I am committed to showing how I am a mormon.  How I know it, I live it, and I love it.

My testimony. . .
I am a mormon, I knew long ago that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was true.  Do I still know it?  Mostly.  Sometimes, I forget what is most important.  And of course, it's the little things.  I am so blessed to have our church, to have the spiritual inspiration to know that I have a plan and a purpose here on earth and that I can through our Savior, Jesus Christ  - "Be of Good Cheer."  He has made the way for me to repent that I may gain Eternal life and live with him and my family.  I know that as I gain hope in him, I can have the faith needed to help me throughout this life.  I am grateful for the lessons I am learning.

Now, I need to live it!  How can I improve to show that I live the gospel of Jesus Christ?  I need to make sure I do not speak ill of others, this includes especially my dear sweet family.

My family goal - Quentin Cook's message.  "Immersion in the scriptures is essential for spiritual nourishment."

2.  Eat well and work hard -
I can throw 30 lbs of dumbbells all over the place.  I can lift way more than I can even imagine.  I know that.  I do it often.  But, I still have 30 lbs more to loose.  So, Saturday, my family and I ran/walked a 5K.  I had to carry my little one for about 1/2 a mile.  It was hard.  She weighs about 30 lbs.  I then realized the extra weight I am carrying around is hard too.  It makes me tired.  It hurts my joints and my bones.  I have been working out at the gym for almost 1 year.  I have made the most amazing friend.  Someone who believes in me, challenges me, and helps me.  She will be moving in May.  It's hard for me to think about.  All, I know is that by May, I've got to be strong enough that I can motivate myself and be strong for myself.  I know I can do it on my own.  It's the motivation I have been lacking.  I guess I have been letting other things get in the way.  Soooo.  My goal is to lose all 30 lbs of extra by time she leaves.

How will I do this?
1.  Eat fresh whole foods as much as possible.  I will FILL my life with apples, oranges, cucumbers, bananas, carrots, . . . . I love them and I should eat them.
2.  Drink tons of water.  I love water too.  It is my favorite.
3.  Increase my protein, get what I need.  I need more for my muscle development - with all my extra lifting, etc.
4.  Workout no matter what.  I have a gym membership, I can workout at work, I have a road and a sidewalk. . . I should have NOO excuse.  This winter, we will all have snow shoes.  I plan to use them often.  If it doesn't snow, I have running shoes.  I should use those often too.  I will need to develop a plan each day.

3.  Love my spouse -
Joel and I have had a crazy few months.  It's been tough on us both.  He has been away for work and away for family stuff.  I have been here.  He is such an incredible guy.  He loves me so much he never wants to burden my life.  He loves me so much he lets me vent, and he just listens.  He loves me so much he would do anything for me.  I really need to help him know what I need and I need to really focus on what he needs.

How will I do this?
1.  I plan to listen to him.
2.  I plan to help him on the house.  Our new normal will be working on the house each day.  I can do clean-up.  I can help hang boards, and sand dry wall, and pull electrical wires.  I can save money and do the things necessary to complete this project.  I am committed to do just that.
3.  I plan to write a gratitude journal for all the things he does for me.  He is such a spiritual giant and a great father.  I need to make sure I let him know each day how grateful I ma for the strength he gives me.

4.  Joy in my journey -
I am not going to compete with others.  I am going to be ME.  I am going to develop my hobbies, talents and be the best ME I can be.

How will I do this?
1.  Listen to my kids and have fun.
2.  Listen to my husband and develop family memories that will last forever.
3.  Love the building of the house.
4.  Paint and draw often and teach my children to enhance their skills.

5.  Simplify -
I am going to eliminate the unnecessary things from my life.  With work, with play, with home. . . .I sometimes feel I gain worth by running ragged.  But, I am going to focus on the most important things first.  The Lord.  My family.  The gospel.

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