Thursday, December 29, 2011

38 goals for 2012

Each year I set a new set of goals.  These aren't new years resolutions, but goals.  My birthday is in January and for my birthday I set goals for the age I will be.  Yep, I will be 38 this year.  And I am excited about this new year.  I have some goals that I have already started and will be successful at achieving.  So, here is my list.

1.  Lose at least 38 lbs.
2.  Work out with trainer, Ang 3x a week.
3.  Run 3 times a week for at least 8 miles, (can do 2 days of 2, and 1 day of 4, 2 days of 3, one day of 2 . . . . )  BTW, if it decides to snow, I will run in my snowshoes.
4., 5., 6.,   I want to run 3-- 13.1 races.  I want to do the one in Poci (November - Just because), I want to do the Halloween one in Provo (October), and possibly one in early summer.
7. Move into my house in 8 months (give or take 3 months on either side). -  8 months would be August.
8., 9., 10. Finish the polka dot quilts.
11.  Make a homemade Christmas. (Bean bags or ottomans for kids)
12.  Go up for Promotion and Tenure  - documents ready in July.
13.  Paint, draw, create - each week for 2 hours.
14.  Help Joel on house for 2-4 hours a week (please don't tell him though).
15.  Keep up on this blog and my 4 bucks a day blog - weekly.
16.  Have a Christmas party at my house in November.  My new house.
17.  Undertake a vigorous study program - church and gospel principles, parenting, art, management, Sterling W. Sills, and read at least 25,000 pages.
18.  Write 100 things I know.
19.  Attend temple 38 times (almost weekly - this will include baptisms with Abe, when he is old enough).
20.  Attend special events, seminars, and cultural activities - shoot for 4 (alone or with others in my family, or my friends).  TOFW, Love and Logic - January, etc.
21.  Read Enos 1-5 - apply to my life.
22.  Learn a system and get paper organized.  (keep up on mail and email).
23.  Paint toenails weekly.
24.  Get a facial, or two, or three. . .
25.  Go to North Carolina.
26.  Take a road trip.
27.  Learn to play racquetball.
28.  Save a ton of money from my paycheck that can be spent on house. (This is kinda personal, so I will keep track on my own.)  Do not buy anything that isn't necessary.
29.  Eat 5 servings of Fruits and Vegetables daily.
30.  Drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of H20.
31.  Do something amazing for our 15 year anniversary.
32.  Avoid gossip.
33.  Apply second mile, and serve others always, Matt 5:38-42.
34.  Learn to use my embroidery feature on my sewing machine.
35.  Become an incredible manager of my time.
36.  Be firm and consistent.
37.  Plant a tiny garden.
38.  Design the interior of my house.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Seeing myself become stronger . . .

"27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them theiraweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them."

I have been getting stronger.  It's fun to watch. It's fun to do.  I feel that as I work hard, and rely on the Lord, manage my time, set goals, and follow experts (to guide me) that life for me is changing.  And I am becoming a better person for it.

I know I have been vague in my last few posts.  But, I will share more later.  Right now, I am continuing to be strong!

Here is a fun video that is fun.  

Friday, December 9, 2011

Face Your Doubts, Master Your Fears

I have just came across this amazing powerful story by Laurel Christensen.  At TOFW in Logan, she was a-mazing!   This is the most powerful talk by Elder Holland.
“Yes, there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been genuine illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don't give up when the pressure mounts. Don't give in. Certainly don't give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. He wants everyone to be miserable like unto himself. Face your doubts. Master your fears. ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence.’ Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you.”

I have started something new.  And this was just what I needed to hear.  My life will be changed because of this new thing.  I can feel it and my family can see it already.  It is so important to stick with things that are positive and helpful.  Things that can help with our happiness.  Things that are positive and help us reach our eternal goals.  I plan to face my doubts, to master my fears and to stay the course!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Avoiding the Potholes . . .

I understand why the Savior taught in parables.  It was for me.  Yep, just for me.  Ha, ha. . . Actually, I do think in parables and learn very good lessons from them.

So, my Dad totally hates when we hit potholes when we are driving with him in the car.  And, honestly, I never think about avoiding them.  I just drive straight through.  But, I've been thinking, we are told to go on the straight and narrow way and so is it best to try avoiding the potholes or to hit them smack on?  What is the best way to keep trudging on the path?  To hurry through?

Well, I think there are a couple lessons to learn.  One is, that when we have troubles (potholes) we stay focused on the path, and continue to do the things we know, strengthening our testimonies and we continue on our way.  Or if we avoid potholes, then we can drive around them, avoiding things that can damage our vehicles.  So, I guess this could be 2 parables - with 2 different endings.

We need to avoid evil.  Yet, we need to understand that trials and hard things happen and we can get through them.