Friday, December 9, 2011

Face Your Doubts, Master Your Fears

I have just came across this amazing powerful story by Laurel Christensen.  At TOFW in Logan, she was a-mazing!   This is the most powerful talk by Elder Holland.
“Yes, there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been genuine illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don't give up when the pressure mounts. Don't give in. Certainly don't give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. He wants everyone to be miserable like unto himself. Face your doubts. Master your fears. ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence.’ Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you.”

I have started something new.  And this was just what I needed to hear.  My life will be changed because of this new thing.  I can feel it and my family can see it already.  It is so important to stick with things that are positive and helpful.  Things that can help with our happiness.  Things that are positive and help us reach our eternal goals.  I plan to face my doubts, to master my fears and to stay the course!

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