Tuesday, October 30, 2012


1.  Dressing your truth - as you will see, I think I don't agree with this fully.  So, I am suppose to be a bright and animated woman and I think Carol Tuttle thinks that Type 1 people are morons.  She says it's okay to wear clothes like . . .

But, not . . . .

She is wearing black.  And look how cute.  Maybe she isn't a type 1, but who cares what color you wear?  It's fun to dress to meet your personality.  But, black can be a color of influence, a color of fun, it has so many options and varieties.  Ha, Ha. . . . I guess I'm annoyed.  Well, I did agree to dress your truth for 31 days.  But, I can hardly stand that my 2 favorite turtle necks are sitting in a box when I could be enjoying them.  And what would it matter if I started wearing black again?  Will I embrace this idea that Carol came up with?  Probably not.  But, it's fun to have something not worth complaining about to complain about.  Ha, Ha.

BTW, Love Bobbi Brown.  Love the makeup.  Love her classy/fun style.

2. Eat clean.  Oh boy I wanted SUGAR today.  I wanted it so badly that I had to cook some meat to avoid it.  Ha, ha.  I ate rice and raisins for breakfast and didn't have protein, so I started craving the sugar.  So, I made a mid-morning protein snack.  Ha, Ha.  It helped.  But, then my little one found the chocolate.  By, then I was stronger and in a better place and didn't need it.  Whew!  I am actually feeling more energy now.  It's good.  And I haven't eaten out in forever.  It feels good to take charge of my life.

3.  Kids and spouse.  Shared the love with the family.

4.  Exercise.  Bombed it.  Got ready.  Didn't go.  But, I can hardly move my arms from yesterday.  Super stiff.

5.  Sleep.  Going to bed now.  :)

6.  Save money.  Didn't shop or go anywhere - so I still have money. :)

7.  House a home.  I cleaned a little and organized.

8.  Turn work off.  I worked today.  So, work was constant.  But, I haven't worked all day.  I had some breaks and got a TON accomplished.

ME, Days 8 & 9

It's been a good few days.  My best days so far (George Durrant).  For each day makes up my new day.  Best day!!!!

1.  Dress your truth - still not sure what I think.  My friend is sold on this program.  It works well for her.  She looks fabulous.  I have had lots of good comments and I am wearing fun things.  Things, I wouldn't normally do.  But, it's still the black hang-up.  Any suggestions???  Although, I have not worn black for 9 days.  Ha, ha.

A few things I have learned:
a.  It's okay to mix it up and wear different things.  Have fun with it.
b.  Black is okay too.  :)
c.  Thrift stores are way fun!

2.  Eat clean.  Well, no sugar and no eating out.  Doing okay with this.  My friend, Ang and I are doing it together.  We are going to avoid eating sugars on Halloween too.  Should be good.  We can do this!  And we are going to have sooo much fun.

3.  Kids & Spouse - give them love.  Have stayed calm.  Praised the kids for keeping things clean.  Love it!  I love a clean organized house!  And I really need them to help me.  They have been trying soooo hard.

4.  Exercise.  Beasty workout yesterday, wrapped up with spinning.  I do have a love/hate relationship with spinning.  It feels so good to be done, but it hard all the way through.  I have a friend who spins for an hour.  One day.  I will be that strong too!  She is so dedicated and so good.  I love these examples in my life.  The people I workout with are so encouraging.  I'm doing things I never thought possible.

5.  Sleep.  Went to bed early both nights.  Love that!  I love the energy I feel from more sleep.

6.  Save money.  Been only buying what I need.  :)

7.  House a home.  Compartmentalized my living room.  Ha, ha.  I have a really weird shaped room.  It has a living room, a dining room and a computer room now.   I compartmentalized it with rugs.  Right now, I have to make due - until I have an awesome house.  Which one day I will.  I know people think we are so weird.  We are building our own house, without any loan and my hubby is doing it himself.  We have had lots of support and help.  But, it's taken a long long time.  We have reached over the 5 year mark.  I so wanted to be in it for Christmas, but it's not even close to being ready.  We have had lots of stumbling blocks along the way.  Oh well.  I have a place to live.  It is a challenge, but when I do little things like curtains, new rug, and compartmentalize the living room - I can smile and like where I am.  And when it's clean - I am less stressed about it.  (A lesson, my kids are learning - finally!!!!).

8.  Work - didn't turn work on all weekend.  But, I have tons to accomplish today.  So, here I go!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

ME, Days 6 & 7

One week into the challenge.

1.  Dress your truth - so still feel the same about the challenge as I did on day 4&5.  Still have not worn black.  I am having fun with the colors - bright colors, fun necklaces, etc.  I am also having fun shopping.  Brigham City has a new store called Xiala.  It's fabulous.  It's a second hand store.  Very hip, cute, and fun.  North part of town - before Kents Market.

2.  Eat clean - day off.  Ugh.  I found a few things:

a.  I need to still plan my food for the weekends.
b.  I need to limit my choices.
c.  I need to be strong.

3.  Kids and I had a good day.  We played, shopped, cleaned.  Spouse and I had a good day chatting.  He is traveling and should be home soon.

4.  Exercise.  I was going to go with Brit.  Missed that opportunity.  Sorry Britt!

5.  Sleep better.  I took a nap, that is for a few minutes until the kids come looking for me.  Mom, where is this, Mom wake up I want you to come out of your bedroom . . ..  I gave in.  The nap was not going to be successful anyway.  Ha, Ha.

6.  Save money - shopping does not help you save money.  I need to shop 1 x a month . Things on a list. . . I need to be much more disciplined.

7.  Found an awesome rug at WalMart for $10.  and it matches my living room better.  LOVE it.  Also found some clearance item - candle hurricanes.  LOVE it!  Fun shopping day.  The room looks so much more pulled together.  LOVE it (Again)!

8.  I didn't turn work on.  Although, I need to hurry and do a couple things.  Monday is coming and I have things to plan for.

Challenge is helping me focus and do better.  A friend of mine (you may wonder why she is a friend after this) says I don't focus well.  And that I juggle to many balls.  In fact, she laughed at me for doing this challenge at all.  She thinks - 8 changes is to many.  Ha!  I am showing her.  :)  Actually, I am really enjoying this and enjoying my life.  Maybe I do juggle to many balls.  But, I am an expert juggler!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

ME in Days 4 & 5

Two days further into my 31 day challenge.

Day 4 & 5

1.  Dress your truth - okay so I don't really love the author of the program.  Long story.  So, I've been freaking out a little bit about why I am following her ideas on dressing your truth.  What is her expertise?  Why does she think she has it?  Maybe that is just what a type 1 person does.  AND I totally love love love black!  Love it!  And not wearing it.  There is definitely more in my color choices now and I feel confident in those too.  I just love a black sweater with hot pink shoes, etc.  So, it would still be fun.  And yet, totally my own thing.

Another thought, I even wonder sometimes if I am a type 1.  My friend from work says definately.  And I can say, probably.  I am an idea person.  I have TONS of ideas, I am creative, and yet, I am also shy.  I don't know think I'm the life of the party.  I will laugh and have fun, but I am not a person who wants the lime light.  I don't know.

So, Day 4 & 5 - lots of questions.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have been keeping my deal with Ang.  No sugars.  No eating out.  And planning ahead.  I've found a few things along this journey.

a.  I like to eat late - usually want junk food.  So, I just told myself that I would make it through the night.  Ha, Ha.

b.  We eat out way to often.  I am hungry and the kids ask, and we do fast food.  So, this has been new and interesting.  And the way, I solved this - I pack more food than I need during the day, so I can eat a clementine and almonds on the way home and if I pack foods for the kids - then the drive through dilemma has been solved too.

c.  I use to eat way to many sweets.  So, today is my sweet day - and I haven't had one (today is really Day 6).  I am saving it for something or maybe nothing at all.

3.  Treat Spouse and Kids . . . .So, I'm learning how to handle my ornery girl.  She is ornery in the mornings mostly and has some attitude.  She loves music and I think that helps to help her wake up.   And, I'm learning to really respect my son.  He deserves that.  And I learned a valuable lesson yesterday, my spouse's work takes him away from home - ALOT!  But, I learned that it's hard for me. But, it's also hard for him.

4.  Exercise daily - rocked it!  Worked hard.  And one of my good friends, Brit just got a membership to the gym I go too.  Sooooo. . ..  we are planning some serious workouts!

5.  Sleep better - need to still work on this one.  So, hard for me.

6.  Save money - I've been very conscientious about my spending.  Only buy what I need.

7.  House a home - urgh.  It's a disaster area.  Tonight, tomorrow serious cleaning will be involved (Ang, if I can lift my arms).

8.  Turn off work.  I'm doing better!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ME in 31 days, Day 3

A better day.  I took some time to plan and prepare and that made a BIG difference.

1.  Dress your truth.  Well for wearing a sweatshirt and khaki's I did okay.  No bling today. I was very casual.  Ha, ha.  Colors were in the palate.  But, excited for tomorrow's outfit and Thursday's.  Kinda fun!

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have also made a deal with my good friend, Ang.  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - no sugars.  And like I mentioned yesterday - 31 days ithout eating out.  WAHOO!  Go us!

3.  Treat spouse and kids as they are the gifts Heavenly Father has given to me.  Love my family.  They are funny, exciting, and good to me.

4.  Exercise daily - okay this is where I failed today.  I picked up the middle part of the snowman does that count?  Really, I failed!  I went to Salt Lake unexpected and it took a few hours of my day.  But, I got to see my cute man!

5.  Sleep better.  Doing better.

6.  Save money.  Well, I did shop for food and some necessary things for the house today.  Spent quite a bit.  But, found I have a tendency to buy to much sometimes.  :)  And I resisted this time.  I bought what I needed for 2 weeks and maybe one extra and left the others behind.

7. Hung my curtains, cleaned my living room.  Love the curtain and the new look.  It opens it up adn makes things match better.  They totally go with my couches.  I need to find a new rug.  I have zebra accents and my rug is ugly!  It's squares of color and doesn't match at all!

8.  Turn off work.  I was going to do today as a day off.  I didn't do it.  I worked all day!  And that means - I didn't get what I needed to at home done.  I gotta be better about that!

But, tomorrow is a new and better day!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 2

Okay, maybe a little better today?  I am going to go with that.  Yep.  A better successful day.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay again.  Wore a cream blouse that has crochet throughout.  And turquoise shoes.  That was mainly my color.  My hair was a bit out of control.  Need to watch how to manage curly hair.  Mine can be unruly.  I need to color it too.  :)

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  So, I didn't go to a Fast Food store on the way home.  The kids begged and I said, "No, we will eat dinner at home."  Gotta be prepared - snacks in the car.  I think I will pre-package some snacks to have for each child.  And for me.  If I am hungry, I usually say yes.  My goal is to plan ahead this week for all my meals, portion out, pre-prep if needed, etc.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . . . I did better.  Gave lots of hugs and kisses.  Got lots of response with that!  Tomorrow morning I'm trying classical music.

4. Exercise daily, did an hour of weight lifting.  Went up on reps.  WOW!  Tough stuff.

5.  Going to bed now.  A little later, but earlier than normal.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any money today.  Wahoo!

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Last week I bought some cool curtains for my living room.  They are insulated and will be just what we need to hold out some cold this winter.  Checked sizes and will be a perfect fit.  Hanging them tomorrow.

8.  Turn off work, when work is done.  I have done that tonight.  Was able to compartmentalize that today.  Turned off the computer and turned off the work!  Until now.  But, will shut it off as I am going to bed right now.

So, as it happens today turned out okay.  It's been a good day!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 1

Okay, I totally failed day one.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay, I wore some funky fuschia boots.  Totally not what I would normally do.  But, being a type 1 person - means do crazy fun, outgoing things.  Although, at times I wonder if I have misdiagnosed myself.  Ha, Ha.  I am not really outgoing.  But, I had fun anyway!

Note:  If you do the dress your truth thing, and you aren't suppose to wear black and you pack it away, don't forget that you will need some new colored tights.  I had to do a gray version.  It worked. Well sort of.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  THIS IS WHERE I FAILED.  I had a RS meeting today.   And there was this yummy wassail caramel stuff.  Um, I had it.  I enjoyed it.  I guess it wasn't processed. But, holy cow it was calorie loaded.

Need to plan better for situations as that.  And to plan food for the day.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . .. failed again.  But, my sweet friend and Relief Society President bouyed me up.  She is so amazing to me.  She helped me see that although I am struggling and not perfect, I am an okay mom and I need to stop beating myself up.

4.  Exercise daily - well not today.  It was the Sabbath.  But, tomorrow I will do serious weights and then spin bike.  :) With my buddy Ang!  She is the toughest, sweetest girl I know.  So well rounded and so happy!

5.  Sleep better.  Okay.  Wrapping it up.  And in bed.  G'nite.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any today.  :)  Ha, Ha.

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Um, got all the luggage out of the car.  Used my nice scentsy candle thing.  IT smells good and is soooo cute!

8.  I didn't even work today.  I usually don't work Sundays, but sometimes I stress that tomorrow is Monday.  And, I haven't reached that stress point yet.  Why worry anyways?  It doesn't help and most things our out of my control.  So, I will control what I can (mostly just how I react to what happens) and we will go from there.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

ME in 31 days

Me in 31 days

Yesterday was evaluate your life day.  I am one of those rare people who love CHANGE.  I love to watch the seasons change, I love holidays, I love changing and rearranging my furniture, I love to change my hair, makeup, and clothes.  I love to watch my children change and develop through each stage.  I do have struggles and challenges just like everyone else, hence the blog - weak things become strong.  I love resolutions.  I break resolutions.  But, I love the chance that each and every day I can make a change to improve my life or someone else's.

A friend at work has found the Dressing Your Truth stuff, shared it with me and a co-worker.  My co-worker embraced it quickly (definite Type 3 personality for her).  I on the other hand, freaked out a tiny little bit.  My personality (Type 1) according to DYT says I should not wear black.  BUT, I love black!  So,  she told me what she did with her black clothes.  She took them out of her closet and into another room.  I decided I could put them in a rubbermaid container just outside my closet.  I almost had a heart attack doing so.  Did I mention I love black?  Well, I do!  Anyways, this challenge has sent me on a little self evaluation and since yesterday was evaluate your life day, I have been thinking about major changes (which really are just little baby steps) that will change my life.

For 31 days, I am going to work on the follow 8 items.

1.  Dress My Truth (Be a real Type 1 person and love it).
2.  Eat clean, 31 days of no-processed foods on $4 a day.
3.  Treat kids & spouse as they are the gifts that my Heavenly Father gave me and give them all the love and confidence I possibly can.
4.  Exercise daily (well 6 days a week).
5.  Sleep better, meaning go to bed early and wake early.
6.  Save money.
7.  Create a home in 31 days.
8.  Turn work off when it's time to turn work off!

Sunday, October 21st will be DAY 1.  Each day, I will share my progress.
Here we go!

With Love, Me