Sunday, October 21, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 1

Okay, I totally failed day one.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay, I wore some funky fuschia boots.  Totally not what I would normally do.  But, being a type 1 person - means do crazy fun, outgoing things.  Although, at times I wonder if I have misdiagnosed myself.  Ha, Ha.  I am not really outgoing.  But, I had fun anyway!

Note:  If you do the dress your truth thing, and you aren't suppose to wear black and you pack it away, don't forget that you will need some new colored tights.  I had to do a gray version.  It worked. Well sort of.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  THIS IS WHERE I FAILED.  I had a RS meeting today.   And there was this yummy wassail caramel stuff.  Um, I had it.  I enjoyed it.  I guess it wasn't processed. But, holy cow it was calorie loaded.

Need to plan better for situations as that.  And to plan food for the day.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . .. failed again.  But, my sweet friend and Relief Society President bouyed me up.  She is so amazing to me.  She helped me see that although I am struggling and not perfect, I am an okay mom and I need to stop beating myself up.

4.  Exercise daily - well not today.  It was the Sabbath.  But, tomorrow I will do serious weights and then spin bike.  :) With my buddy Ang!  She is the toughest, sweetest girl I know.  So well rounded and so happy!

5.  Sleep better.  Okay.  Wrapping it up.  And in bed.  G'nite.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any today.  :)  Ha, Ha.

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Um, got all the luggage out of the car.  Used my nice scentsy candle thing.  IT smells good and is soooo cute!

8.  I didn't even work today.  I usually don't work Sundays, but sometimes I stress that tomorrow is Monday.  And, I haven't reached that stress point yet.  Why worry anyways?  It doesn't help and most things our out of my control.  So, I will control what I can (mostly just how I react to what happens) and we will go from there.

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