Friday, October 26, 2012

ME in Days 4 & 5

Two days further into my 31 day challenge.

Day 4 & 5

1.  Dress your truth - okay so I don't really love the author of the program.  Long story.  So, I've been freaking out a little bit about why I am following her ideas on dressing your truth.  What is her expertise?  Why does she think she has it?  Maybe that is just what a type 1 person does.  AND I totally love love love black!  Love it!  And not wearing it.  There is definitely more in my color choices now and I feel confident in those too.  I just love a black sweater with hot pink shoes, etc.  So, it would still be fun.  And yet, totally my own thing.

Another thought, I even wonder sometimes if I am a type 1.  My friend from work says definately.  And I can say, probably.  I am an idea person.  I have TONS of ideas, I am creative, and yet, I am also shy.  I don't know think I'm the life of the party.  I will laugh and have fun, but I am not a person who wants the lime light.  I don't know.

So, Day 4 & 5 - lots of questions.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have been keeping my deal with Ang.  No sugars.  No eating out.  And planning ahead.  I've found a few things along this journey.

a.  I like to eat late - usually want junk food.  So, I just told myself that I would make it through the night.  Ha, Ha.

b.  We eat out way to often.  I am hungry and the kids ask, and we do fast food.  So, this has been new and interesting.  And the way, I solved this - I pack more food than I need during the day, so I can eat a clementine and almonds on the way home and if I pack foods for the kids - then the drive through dilemma has been solved too.

c.  I use to eat way to many sweets.  So, today is my sweet day - and I haven't had one (today is really Day 6).  I am saving it for something or maybe nothing at all.

3.  Treat Spouse and Kids . . . .So, I'm learning how to handle my ornery girl.  She is ornery in the mornings mostly and has some attitude.  She loves music and I think that helps to help her wake up.   And, I'm learning to really respect my son.  He deserves that.  And I learned a valuable lesson yesterday, my spouse's work takes him away from home - ALOT!  But, I learned that it's hard for me. But, it's also hard for him.

4.  Exercise daily - rocked it!  Worked hard.  And one of my good friends, Brit just got a membership to the gym I go too.  Sooooo. . ..  we are planning some serious workouts!

5.  Sleep better - need to still work on this one.  So, hard for me.

6.  Save money - I've been very conscientious about my spending.  Only buy what I need.

7.  House a home - urgh.  It's a disaster area.  Tonight, tomorrow serious cleaning will be involved (Ang, if I can lift my arms).

8.  Turn off work.  I'm doing better!

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