Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ME in 31 days, Day 3

A better day.  I took some time to plan and prepare and that made a BIG difference.

1.  Dress your truth.  Well for wearing a sweatshirt and khaki's I did okay.  No bling today. I was very casual.  Ha, ha.  Colors were in the palate.  But, excited for tomorrow's outfit and Thursday's.  Kinda fun!

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have also made a deal with my good friend, Ang.  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - no sugars.  And like I mentioned yesterday - 31 days ithout eating out.  WAHOO!  Go us!

3.  Treat spouse and kids as they are the gifts Heavenly Father has given to me.  Love my family.  They are funny, exciting, and good to me.

4.  Exercise daily - okay this is where I failed today.  I picked up the middle part of the snowman does that count?  Really, I failed!  I went to Salt Lake unexpected and it took a few hours of my day.  But, I got to see my cute man!

5.  Sleep better.  Doing better.

6.  Save money.  Well, I did shop for food and some necessary things for the house today.  Spent quite a bit.  But, found I have a tendency to buy to much sometimes.  :)  And I resisted this time.  I bought what I needed for 2 weeks and maybe one extra and left the others behind.

7. Hung my curtains, cleaned my living room.  Love the curtain and the new look.  It opens it up adn makes things match better.  They totally go with my couches.  I need to find a new rug.  I have zebra accents and my rug is ugly!  It's squares of color and doesn't match at all!

8.  Turn off work.  I was going to do today as a day off.  I didn't do it.  I worked all day!  And that means - I didn't get what I needed to at home done.  I gotta be better about that!

But, tomorrow is a new and better day!

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