Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ME, Days 8 & 9

It's been a good few days.  My best days so far (George Durrant).  For each day makes up my new day.  Best day!!!!

1.  Dress your truth - still not sure what I think.  My friend is sold on this program.  It works well for her.  She looks fabulous.  I have had lots of good comments and I am wearing fun things.  Things, I wouldn't normally do.  But, it's still the black hang-up.  Any suggestions???  Although, I have not worn black for 9 days.  Ha, ha.

A few things I have learned:
a.  It's okay to mix it up and wear different things.  Have fun with it.
b.  Black is okay too.  :)
c.  Thrift stores are way fun!

2.  Eat clean.  Well, no sugar and no eating out.  Doing okay with this.  My friend, Ang and I are doing it together.  We are going to avoid eating sugars on Halloween too.  Should be good.  We can do this!  And we are going to have sooo much fun.

3.  Kids & Spouse - give them love.  Have stayed calm.  Praised the kids for keeping things clean.  Love it!  I love a clean organized house!  And I really need them to help me.  They have been trying soooo hard.

4.  Exercise.  Beasty workout yesterday, wrapped up with spinning.  I do have a love/hate relationship with spinning.  It feels so good to be done, but it hard all the way through.  I have a friend who spins for an hour.  One day.  I will be that strong too!  She is so dedicated and so good.  I love these examples in my life.  The people I workout with are so encouraging.  I'm doing things I never thought possible.

5.  Sleep.  Went to bed early both nights.  Love that!  I love the energy I feel from more sleep.

6.  Save money.  Been only buying what I need.  :)

7.  House a home.  Compartmentalized my living room.  Ha, ha.  I have a really weird shaped room.  It has a living room, a dining room and a computer room now.   I compartmentalized it with rugs.  Right now, I have to make due - until I have an awesome house.  Which one day I will.  I know people think we are so weird.  We are building our own house, without any loan and my hubby is doing it himself.  We have had lots of support and help.  But, it's taken a long long time.  We have reached over the 5 year mark.  I so wanted to be in it for Christmas, but it's not even close to being ready.  We have had lots of stumbling blocks along the way.  Oh well.  I have a place to live.  It is a challenge, but when I do little things like curtains, new rug, and compartmentalize the living room - I can smile and like where I am.  And when it's clean - I am less stressed about it.  (A lesson, my kids are learning - finally!!!!).

8.  Work - didn't turn work on all weekend.  But, I have tons to accomplish today.  So, here I go!

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