Monday, October 22, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 2

Okay, maybe a little better today?  I am going to go with that.  Yep.  A better successful day.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay again.  Wore a cream blouse that has crochet throughout.  And turquoise shoes.  That was mainly my color.  My hair was a bit out of control.  Need to watch how to manage curly hair.  Mine can be unruly.  I need to color it too.  :)

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  So, I didn't go to a Fast Food store on the way home.  The kids begged and I said, "No, we will eat dinner at home."  Gotta be prepared - snacks in the car.  I think I will pre-package some snacks to have for each child.  And for me.  If I am hungry, I usually say yes.  My goal is to plan ahead this week for all my meals, portion out, pre-prep if needed, etc.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . . . I did better.  Gave lots of hugs and kisses.  Got lots of response with that!  Tomorrow morning I'm trying classical music.

4. Exercise daily, did an hour of weight lifting.  Went up on reps.  WOW!  Tough stuff.

5.  Going to bed now.  A little later, but earlier than normal.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any money today.  Wahoo!

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Last week I bought some cool curtains for my living room.  They are insulated and will be just what we need to hold out some cold this winter.  Checked sizes and will be a perfect fit.  Hanging them tomorrow.

8.  Turn off work, when work is done.  I have done that tonight.  Was able to compartmentalize that today.  Turned off the computer and turned off the work!  Until now.  But, will shut it off as I am going to bed right now.

So, as it happens today turned out okay.  It's been a good day!

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