Saturday, October 27, 2012

ME, Days 6 & 7

One week into the challenge.

1.  Dress your truth - so still feel the same about the challenge as I did on day 4&5.  Still have not worn black.  I am having fun with the colors - bright colors, fun necklaces, etc.  I am also having fun shopping.  Brigham City has a new store called Xiala.  It's fabulous.  It's a second hand store.  Very hip, cute, and fun.  North part of town - before Kents Market.

2.  Eat clean - day off.  Ugh.  I found a few things:

a.  I need to still plan my food for the weekends.
b.  I need to limit my choices.
c.  I need to be strong.

3.  Kids and I had a good day.  We played, shopped, cleaned.  Spouse and I had a good day chatting.  He is traveling and should be home soon.

4.  Exercise.  I was going to go with Brit.  Missed that opportunity.  Sorry Britt!

5.  Sleep better.  I took a nap, that is for a few minutes until the kids come looking for me.  Mom, where is this, Mom wake up I want you to come out of your bedroom . . ..  I gave in.  The nap was not going to be successful anyway.  Ha, Ha.

6.  Save money - shopping does not help you save money.  I need to shop 1 x a month . Things on a list. . . I need to be much more disciplined.

7.  Found an awesome rug at WalMart for $10.  and it matches my living room better.  LOVE it.  Also found some clearance item - candle hurricanes.  LOVE it!  Fun shopping day.  The room looks so much more pulled together.  LOVE it (Again)!

8.  I didn't turn work on.  Although, I need to hurry and do a couple things.  Monday is coming and I have things to plan for.

Challenge is helping me focus and do better.  A friend of mine (you may wonder why she is a friend after this) says I don't focus well.  And that I juggle to many balls.  In fact, she laughed at me for doing this challenge at all.  She thinks - 8 changes is to many.  Ha!  I am showing her.  :)  Actually, I am really enjoying this and enjoying my life.  Maybe I do juggle to many balls.  But, I am an expert juggler!!!

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