Friday, October 21, 2011

Being the Executive of Your Own Home

by Heidi LeBlanc

Many years ago, my sister Becky and I wanted to make a living by writing a book.  It was the days before blogging.  We started out in a notebook.  I found the notebook just the other day.  And I will share some of the fun things we wanted to do.

Excerpt from the notebook.

Title/Role : Being the Executive of Your Own Home

Responsibility:  Running a Household

1.  Yourself
2.  Husband
3.  Children
4.  Grandparents
5.  Friends and Associates

OURSELF, MOM, WIFE, CEO of the HOME (Below is what a mom does).
1.  Scheduling
2.  Organizing
3.  Filing
4.  Messaging

1.  Bookkeeping
2.  Budgeting (I love Dave Ramsey - my husband lives his principles and it blesses our home).
3.  Accounting
4.  Saving
5.  Profits

1.  Time management
2.  Stress management
3.  Educating
4.  Goal setting

Board members
1.  Family councils
2.  Decision making
3.  New perspective

Benefits (Insurance, Health)
1.  Education (I feel that my education is the best insurance policy I could ever have.  I can support my family if anything ever happened and I needed too.  My education allows me to have the flexibility I need to plan and change my schedule around my children.
2.  Exercise
3.  Eating right and Healthy (My secular work is called Food $ense, check it out!)
4.  JOY

Mission Statement
1.  Gain knowledge
2.  Live well
3.  Have JOY

I love finding things that bless my life.  I really have a JOYFUL life.  I am grateful for that.

Yesterday a cousin shared this on facebook and so I wanted to share it as well.

What too can we do?  What is your life dream?  What brings vitality?  What do you live for?

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