Sunday, October 30, 2011

Check Your Security Settings

Last night I was thinking about my next post.  And I had this idea come to me, I believe it's inspiration, as I don't think I am smart enough to think this on my own.  (smile).

As we check our settings on Facebook, on our computers, phones, etc.  We make sure that hackers or others are not influencing our lives or compromising us in any way.  As this relates to life, how do we check our settings to secure the ultimate goal - Eternal Life?

I think the usual answers are what usually will help us get to Eternal Life.  But, is that enough?  Yes, we must pray, read our scriptures, attend church, attend the temple, have Family Home Evening.  But, is that enough?  I'm not sure if it is or if it isn't.  I think we need to do more.  I have been reading an incredible book my wonderful Mother-in-law sent me, The Peacegiver.  It has come at a perfect time for me.  I am learning how to forgive others.  Oh, I know how to forgive others of things they don't do against me.  But, I am learning to forgive my children, husband, friends, co-workers, family of things they accidentally do that hurt my feelings and I let fester.  It's given me an amazing perspective on forgiveness.  I never really thought I needed to forgive.  But, in the book it talks about the Lord forgives all.  He already has forgiven them.  But, I need to forgive.  I need to let this forgiveness fill my heart, so I can feel the Lord by my side constantly.  I am working on this.  And you know what I have found.  It's hard.  And it's kind of silly.

My son, is almost a teenager.  He pushes my buttons, and really tries to get a rise out of me.  And it works.  I must admit, I am not giving him the most positive attention I should be giving him.  I take the bait.  I get annoyed with him.  I anticipate he will be a stinker more often.  And so on.   So, as I read this about forgiveness, last night I prayed and told Heavenly Father that I want to forgive him, and that I was doing it right then.  And to my mind, came this crazy idea.  His behavior is age-appropriate and I need to not worry about the small things.  Yes, I still need to forgive him.  He got upset with me tonight and hurt my feelings (I think kids, don't realize that adults have feelings).  Well, anyway all my annoyances with him returned and I still have to work on repentance.  The reason I think it is silly, is because, I am letting age-appropriate behavior get the best of me.  What an eye-opener!

Okay, so more on check your security settings.
We are getting a temple in our little valley, it's so fun to watch. My kids love to drive by.  And I love it too!  It's kind of interesting to be getting a temple, when you drive 20 miles either direction and there is one.  But, I love that we are.  And President Packer in the dedicatory prayer said something to the fact, that the construction would bring an extra measure of protection.  So, I do believe we should attend the temple often.  The temple has a beautiful spiritual power.  It is armed with a power that heals and protects.

Another protection - is to bear one another's burdens.  I think service is the best thing to forget ourselves. In the book, What Happy People Know, it talks about altruism, and that we need to serve others so we can see what we have.  So, we can stop thinking so much about ourselves.  An amazing friend of mine, Dr. Wally Goddard, once said something to the effect that we don't need to think of ourselves first, that by thinking of others we find ourselves. I like that.  I agree.

I mentioned in an earlier post, about Sterling Sill and his second mile cassette tape.  We totally need to do second mile things and then life isn't drudgery anymore.  When we make things special for others we are making things better for us too.  Making life fun.

I know there is so much more that can improve our security settings, but I am going to work on these few things to improve my life.

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