Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Ether 12:27 Means To Me?

Tonight, I freaked my mom out.  She is worried about me, because of my posts.  She thinks something is wrong.  And really nothing is.  I am doing really, really well.  I have some things I want to improve upon and so I decided to blog.

This is to be my motivation.  To help me improve.  To help me be the best me I can be.  So, I wanted to explain, what I think Ether 12:27 means to me. . .

For years, this has been one of my favorite scriptures.  I remember in seminary, reading, studying and learning about this.  It has helped me realize the Lord can strengthen us in whatever area we need.

And lots of things I do need to be strengthened.  I am reading lots of things, and focusing on ways to improve myself, so I can be a better person.

Okay, back to what it means to me.
It means that as I try to do the Lord's will, I can improve.
It means that as I try to do better at the things, I don't do well at, I can improve.
It means that as I strive to juggle all the hats I have, and when I am discouraged, I know the Lord is there lifting me.

Do you remember the Footprints story?  That is what it means to me.

Thanks to livingtowelcome.blogspot.com for the photo/poem.

It also means, that through the Lord anything is possible.  I am strong believer in that.  I can overcome ANYTHING, as I trust in him and let him guide my life.

And, I am blogging it, so I can help others.  Just yesterday, I got a text that said, Thank you, because my post helped them that day.

My intent:  is to improve myself and to if by any chance help others to know our Savior and to know he is there for them.

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