Saturday, October 22, 2011

Things Don't Turn Out As Planned

So, today we were heading to Salt Lake to visit my sister and help with her kiddos.  On the way there, my little one threw up and so we turned around and headed home.

I was only 10 minutes from my destination!

How often do we turn around or go on another course of action, because something comes up.  Yeah, I know.  I had to turn around, it was the right course.  So, then I ask, how often are we going on a good course, and need to be on a better one and so we need to do a 180 and turn back?

This just got me thinking.  Being a teenager, I use to dream.  And I dreamed a lot.  I dreamed of the beautiful, clean house I would live in.  With 17 children.  Yeah, I wanted 17 children.  I didn't really know what that would be like.  But, I thought I could handle it.  I would be the perfect mom, make the perfect cookies, have the perfect house . . . I dreamed just like all teenagers do.  I didn't realize that being an adult would be so different and so hard.  That I would still have challenges and trials.  That I would worry more.  That sometimes my plans wouldn't work out.

Well, I didn't end up with 17 children.  I have 2.  And I love them dearly. They are amazing.  And I am grateful for them.

I wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I think that is the best occupation in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. And yes, I know it is hard.  I know that now as an adult.  I still would love to be with my children more, instead of working.  But, I have to say, I am so grateful that I have a graduate degree that has made it possible that I can choose my job.  AND I do have a wonderful career.  I think of it as my insurance policy.  And literally it is!  But, I can be so flexible with my job.  I get to do amazing fun things.  I didn't plan to work, but I love all the benefits that I get.  And my work blesses me as a mom and wife.

So, here are just some examples.  Sometimes, things just don't turn out as planned.  And sometimes it's okay.

Of course, I would have loved seeing Becky and her kiddos.  They are one of the most amazing families I know!  She is so selfless and such an amazing mother, and friend.  She knows how to have a good time and she has taught me the finer art of shopping - much to my husbands chagrin.  LOL!

But, I will see her over Thanksgiving.  And all is well.

Little one just woke up - playing peak a boo.

Life is good.  I am blessed!

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