Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weakness 101: In pajama's at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

I am feelign very weak at this very moment.  I am grumpy.  I am in my pajama's.  (That is probably why I am grumpy - it's 11 a.m.).  I have 100 things I need to do today.

So, by sharing my weakness, I have to then do something about it to strengthen in.

My steps to strengthening myself today:
1.  Crank the music - It's Your Life!!!!!
2.  I check out some of my motivational graphics, I got from others.

3.  I put on running clothes, shoes, strap the Little One into the stroller and I'm off.

I know in 30 minutes, my mood will change, I will feel exhilarated.  So, until then.  I will put one foot in front of the other.

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