Monday, October 24, 2011

Honesty . . .helps us get . . . Hope

"Key Principle:  Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has become unmanageable."

What are addictions?  Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve observed: "Addiction surrenders later freedom to choose.  Through chemical means, one can literally become disconnected from his or her own will."

Things that make addictions more intense:
-denying the seriousness of our condition
-trying to minimize or hide our behaviors
-finding fault with others (family, friends, Church leaders, and even God)
-lies and secrecy
-excusing ourselves or blaming others
-thinking and saying "it's not that bad"

We bind ourselves with "flaxen cords" that becomes as strong as chains (see 2 Nephi 26:22).

We need help, because nothing we have tried on our own has helped. Finding courage to admit that we were not just dealing with a problem or a bad habit, but that our lives have become unmanageable.    The amazing thing is that when we are honest, we can finally begin recovery.

We've heard of big sins - things like pornography, immorality, etc..  But, little ones can cause us to loose control or not be able to manage our lives any more.

Okay, so for me.  It's probably the little things.  The things I do everyday and promise myself I won't do. Like getting annoyed because my kids won't go to sleep on their own, or that I like food (sugar, salt, fat. . .  the addictive substances), laziness, procrastination, etc.  These things can be binding as well.

These things can make us loose hope.  Hope that we can make it with our families to have Eternal life.  I often get discouraged and feel like I am never going to make it.  At these times, Heavenly Father places a little thought into my head, remember the bicycle parable in Steven E. Robinson's book, Believing in Christ.

We just need to work hard, do our best, and Heavenly Father will help us with the rest.

Back to honesty.  This is why I am blogging 12.27.  It's because I am weak. I am a natural man, and I need the Lord to strengthen me and make me strong.  I need to humble myself, so he can do that!

Hope is the next "principle:  Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health."

When we realize our powerlessness over our addictions, most of us felt stripped of any hope.  I know at times, I have felt that I am to unworthy for his help.  So, it makes it hard to turn to God and find hope in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Yet, I know it works for others.  I guess this is when we are to hard on ourselves.

Just recently, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk to the sisters of the Church.  He said, that we need to be more patient with ourselves, we need to have more compassion.  This is one of the greatest talks!

Forget Me Not!

I am not planning to share with the world, all my weaknesses, but I don't mind sharing how I am working on making my weaknesses to be strong.

I do know that I can be forgiven of my weaknesses and that I am worth hoping for!  Each of us are divine, children of our Father in Heaven and he so wants us to return to live with him.

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