Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Happy People Know

As, I mentioned in my profile, I love to read.  I read almost anything I can get my hands on.  I love to motivate myself and learn things that can bless my family and my life.  I was able to read a very insightful book, by Dan Baker, What Happy People Know, so here is my cliff notes version.

What happy people know – Cliff Notes
By:  Heidi L
Necessary tools that solve FEAR=Happiness. . .
1.    LOVE – The best feeling in the world is loving someone else.  Love is the polar opposite of fear.
2.    OPTIMISM – even when despair happens – hurtful lessons can and will be learned.  Gives power over fear of future and regret for past.
3.    COURAGE – strongest weapon for overcoming split second fear.
4.    A SENSE OF FREEDOM – freedom is a choice.  Choice is what makes us human.  Choice is available to anyone who has courage to exercise it.
5.    PROACTIVITY – Actively participate in my own destiny and forge my own happiness.  Events and people do not make me happy.
6.    SECURITY – Realization that nothing, over time – lasts.  Simply live who I am and be happy with who I am.
7.    HEALTH – Happiness and health are interdependent.  Health is good mood chemistry.
8.    SPIRITUALITY – Let go and welcome extraordinary experiences – bring Heavenly Father into life daily.  Listen to his word.  Talk with him.
9.    ALTRUISM – Give of yourself.  Get outside of yourself.  E giving.
10. PERSPECTIVE – Prioritize your problems, turn them into possibilities.  Don’t lose sight of lifes bigger picture.
11. HUMOR – A shift of perception that helps people go on.  Abandonment of hard – Enlightenment of good.
12. PURPOSE – Know why yourhere on earth.  Be satisfied – because your living a wonderful life.
1.    Appreciation – purest, strongest form of liove.  Asks for nothing.  But gives everything!
2.    Choice – Father of freedom and voice of love.
3.    Personal power – my life belongs to me and me alone.  Take responsibility to do something about it.  Keeps you from being a victim.  I can handle whatever life dishes out.  I don’t need to be popular, don’t need to be right.  I’m secure.
4.    Leading with my Strengths.  Take path of intellect and spirit.  Don’t try to fix weaknesses --- lead with strengths.  Focus on what your good at and improve those and the weaknesses will improve too.
5.    The power of language and stories – we don’t describe the world we see – we see the world we describe.
6.    Multidimensional living – balance wit relationships, health and purpose.  We need to have a purpose.
5 Happiness Traps
1.    Trying to buy happiness
2.    Trying to find happiness through pleasure
3.    Trying to be happy by reliving the past
4.    Trying to be happy by overcoming weaknesses
5.    Trying to force happiness

“When you make the right choices – inspired by love instead of fear – you end up doing what you love, and time becomes abundant.”
Am I living the life I love?  Ask yourself these questions . . .

1.    What brings vitality to your life?
2.    What do you want to be known as?
3.    What’s your proudest achievement?
4.    What does your life stand for?
5.    What would you sacrifice your life for?
6.    IIn what situation do you feel most alive?
7.    What would you want on your tombstone?

So, how is this making my weak self become strong.  Each day, I take a few minutes to write about things I appreciate.  I even write about what my strengths are.  Currently, I am focusing on the things I do well.  (This is very hard for me - in fact the first day, I could only come up with 3 - and they were totally lame.  But, I now can write a complete page and yes, each day some things may resurface on the list and that is okay.  I am learning that I am important, I have purpose, and I can do anything with the Lord on my side.

So, today some of my strengths are:
I love to run, I have a super strong muscle mass (yeah, it's insulated, but I am a physically strong person), I have dark blue eyes that can be very intense, I can see - my eye sight is not great (but with corrective lenses - I can see well) and I love to see, I can visualize a final product, result, etc.  I have great vision, I am spontaneous, I am also a planner (I love to plan!  I love to plan parties, events, outings, I love it when things come together, I love to host!), I am kind, I love the  Gospel of Jesus Christ, I love my Savior!, I love my children, I love my spouse, I love to design and create, I am thoughtful, I am reflective (I ponder, meditate, think), I love art (I love to paint, sketch, and make a mess with my kids), I have pretty penmanship, I am organized, I live like a pioneer (and I am good at being happy about my situation - with the drafty floors, walls, and windows), I LOVE the holidays and love to make them magical for my family and friends, I am generally HAPPY, I have a great smile (that shows up often and always), I have cute little tiny feet, and I am ME.  

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