Friday, October 28, 2011

The North Star

Last night, we went for a walk together as a family.  It was dark, it was quiet and it was very peaceful.  As we walked we tried to find the North star.  It reminded me of President Hinckley's song.  To be constant as the North Star.  To look to the North star to help anchor you!  What a great little song:

1. When President Hinckley was a boy,
he slept outside for fun.
He noticed all the stars would move,
except for one.
2. Discouraged while in the mission field,
he read these words from home:
“Forget yourself and go to work.”
His heart was stirred to
3. So if you’re discouraged or confused,
just think of that bright star.
Remember what our prophet said
And who you are.
Chorus: Be constant as the North Star that shines for you and me,
Anchored in the gospel with pure integrity,
Steadfast in your service to God and fellowman.
President Hinckley has shown us that we can.
Copyright © 1996 by Cheryl Boyer Hansen. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
Gordon B. Hinckley— 
Constant As the North Star 
Words and music by Cheryl Boyer Hansen 

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