Monday, October 31, 2011

Ask the Lord, "what can I learn from my situation?"

Oh Lord, What can I learn from my situation?

-Patience, Love, tenderness, nourturing????

-Management? Maybe I need to learn to be more organize?

-What does the Lord want me to learn? Think about Elder Uchdorf’s talk – Two Principles during these Economic times.  I think that may be it.  

How I admire men, women, and children who know how to work! How the Lord loves the laborer! He said, “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,”1 and “The laborer is worthy of his hire.”2 He also gave a promise: “Thrust in your sickle with all your soul, and your sins are forgiven you.”3 Those who are unafraid to roll up their sleeves and lose themselves in the pursuit of worthwhile goals are a blessing to their families, communities, nations, and to the Church.

Work is an antidote for anxiety, an ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility.

President Thomas S. Monson put it this way: “It is not enough to want to make the effort and to say we’ll make the effort. … It’s in the doing, not just the thinking, that we accomplish our goals. If we constantly put our goals off, we will never see them fulfilled.

The Prophet Joseph taught, “Knowledge does away with darkness, [anxiety], and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is.”10

Education is not so much the filling of a bucket as the lighting of a fire.

I am grateful for President Uchdorf.  I think he is an amazing apostle.  I am grateful for the lessons he teaches to me.  I think he is a tender mercy in my life.  Just like many of the other apostles.

I am going to ask, what can I do with this situation?
Do you mean – that there is something I can do?
Yes – in most situations I am in, there is something I can do.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Check Your Security Settings

Last night I was thinking about my next post.  And I had this idea come to me, I believe it's inspiration, as I don't think I am smart enough to think this on my own.  (smile).

As we check our settings on Facebook, on our computers, phones, etc.  We make sure that hackers or others are not influencing our lives or compromising us in any way.  As this relates to life, how do we check our settings to secure the ultimate goal - Eternal Life?

I think the usual answers are what usually will help us get to Eternal Life.  But, is that enough?  Yes, we must pray, read our scriptures, attend church, attend the temple, have Family Home Evening.  But, is that enough?  I'm not sure if it is or if it isn't.  I think we need to do more.  I have been reading an incredible book my wonderful Mother-in-law sent me, The Peacegiver.  It has come at a perfect time for me.  I am learning how to forgive others.  Oh, I know how to forgive others of things they don't do against me.  But, I am learning to forgive my children, husband, friends, co-workers, family of things they accidentally do that hurt my feelings and I let fester.  It's given me an amazing perspective on forgiveness.  I never really thought I needed to forgive.  But, in the book it talks about the Lord forgives all.  He already has forgiven them.  But, I need to forgive.  I need to let this forgiveness fill my heart, so I can feel the Lord by my side constantly.  I am working on this.  And you know what I have found.  It's hard.  And it's kind of silly.

My son, is almost a teenager.  He pushes my buttons, and really tries to get a rise out of me.  And it works.  I must admit, I am not giving him the most positive attention I should be giving him.  I take the bait.  I get annoyed with him.  I anticipate he will be a stinker more often.  And so on.   So, as I read this about forgiveness, last night I prayed and told Heavenly Father that I want to forgive him, and that I was doing it right then.  And to my mind, came this crazy idea.  His behavior is age-appropriate and I need to not worry about the small things.  Yes, I still need to forgive him.  He got upset with me tonight and hurt my feelings (I think kids, don't realize that adults have feelings).  Well, anyway all my annoyances with him returned and I still have to work on repentance.  The reason I think it is silly, is because, I am letting age-appropriate behavior get the best of me.  What an eye-opener!

Okay, so more on check your security settings.
We are getting a temple in our little valley, it's so fun to watch. My kids love to drive by.  And I love it too!  It's kind of interesting to be getting a temple, when you drive 20 miles either direction and there is one.  But, I love that we are.  And President Packer in the dedicatory prayer said something to the fact, that the construction would bring an extra measure of protection.  So, I do believe we should attend the temple often.  The temple has a beautiful spiritual power.  It is armed with a power that heals and protects.

Another protection - is to bear one another's burdens.  I think service is the best thing to forget ourselves. In the book, What Happy People Know, it talks about altruism, and that we need to serve others so we can see what we have.  So, we can stop thinking so much about ourselves.  An amazing friend of mine, Dr. Wally Goddard, once said something to the effect that we don't need to think of ourselves first, that by thinking of others we find ourselves. I like that.  I agree.

I mentioned in an earlier post, about Sterling Sill and his second mile cassette tape.  We totally need to do second mile things and then life isn't drudgery anymore.  When we make things special for others we are making things better for us too.  Making life fun.

I know there is so much more that can improve our security settings, but I am going to work on these few things to improve my life.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hilary Weeks . . . an amazing song of strength

The North Star

Last night, we went for a walk together as a family.  It was dark, it was quiet and it was very peaceful.  As we walked we tried to find the North star.  It reminded me of President Hinckley's song.  To be constant as the North Star.  To look to the North star to help anchor you!  What a great little song:

1. When President Hinckley was a boy,
he slept outside for fun.
He noticed all the stars would move,
except for one.
2. Discouraged while in the mission field,
he read these words from home:
“Forget yourself and go to work.”
His heart was stirred to
3. So if you’re discouraged or confused,
just think of that bright star.
Remember what our prophet said
And who you are.
Chorus: Be constant as the North Star that shines for you and me,
Anchored in the gospel with pure integrity,
Steadfast in your service to God and fellowman.
President Hinckley has shown us that we can.
Copyright © 1996 by Cheryl Boyer Hansen. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
Gordon B. Hinckley— 
Constant As the North Star 
Words and music by Cheryl Boyer Hansen 

Click to View Larger Format

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Ether 12:27 Means To Me?

Tonight, I freaked my mom out.  She is worried about me, because of my posts.  She thinks something is wrong.  And really nothing is.  I am doing really, really well.  I have some things I want to improve upon and so I decided to blog.

This is to be my motivation.  To help me improve.  To help me be the best me I can be.  So, I wanted to explain, what I think Ether 12:27 means to me. . .

For years, this has been one of my favorite scriptures.  I remember in seminary, reading, studying and learning about this.  It has helped me realize the Lord can strengthen us in whatever area we need.

And lots of things I do need to be strengthened.  I am reading lots of things, and focusing on ways to improve myself, so I can be a better person.

Okay, back to what it means to me.
It means that as I try to do the Lord's will, I can improve.
It means that as I try to do better at the things, I don't do well at, I can improve.
It means that as I strive to juggle all the hats I have, and when I am discouraged, I know the Lord is there lifting me.

Do you remember the Footprints story?  That is what it means to me.

Thanks to for the photo/poem.

It also means, that through the Lord anything is possible.  I am strong believer in that.  I can overcome ANYTHING, as I trust in him and let him guide my life.

And, I am blogging it, so I can help others.  Just yesterday, I got a text that said, Thank you, because my post helped them that day.

My intent:  is to improve myself and to if by any chance help others to know our Savior and to know he is there for them.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Honesty . . .helps us get . . . Hope

"Key Principle:  Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has become unmanageable."

What are addictions?  Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve observed: "Addiction surrenders later freedom to choose.  Through chemical means, one can literally become disconnected from his or her own will."

Things that make addictions more intense:
-denying the seriousness of our condition
-trying to minimize or hide our behaviors
-finding fault with others (family, friends, Church leaders, and even God)
-lies and secrecy
-excusing ourselves or blaming others
-thinking and saying "it's not that bad"

We bind ourselves with "flaxen cords" that becomes as strong as chains (see 2 Nephi 26:22).

We need help, because nothing we have tried on our own has helped. Finding courage to admit that we were not just dealing with a problem or a bad habit, but that our lives have become unmanageable.    The amazing thing is that when we are honest, we can finally begin recovery.

We've heard of big sins - things like pornography, immorality, etc..  But, little ones can cause us to loose control or not be able to manage our lives any more.

Okay, so for me.  It's probably the little things.  The things I do everyday and promise myself I won't do. Like getting annoyed because my kids won't go to sleep on their own, or that I like food (sugar, salt, fat. . .  the addictive substances), laziness, procrastination, etc.  These things can be binding as well.

These things can make us loose hope.  Hope that we can make it with our families to have Eternal life.  I often get discouraged and feel like I am never going to make it.  At these times, Heavenly Father places a little thought into my head, remember the bicycle parable in Steven E. Robinson's book, Believing in Christ.

We just need to work hard, do our best, and Heavenly Father will help us with the rest.

Back to honesty.  This is why I am blogging 12.27.  It's because I am weak. I am a natural man, and I need the Lord to strengthen me and make me strong.  I need to humble myself, so he can do that!

Hope is the next "principle:  Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health."

When we realize our powerlessness over our addictions, most of us felt stripped of any hope.  I know at times, I have felt that I am to unworthy for his help.  So, it makes it hard to turn to God and find hope in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Yet, I know it works for others.  I guess this is when we are to hard on ourselves.

Just recently, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a talk to the sisters of the Church.  He said, that we need to be more patient with ourselves, we need to have more compassion.  This is one of the greatest talks!

Forget Me Not!

I am not planning to share with the world, all my weaknesses, but I don't mind sharing how I am working on making my weaknesses to be strong.

I do know that I can be forgiven of my weaknesses and that I am worth hoping for!  Each of us are divine, children of our Father in Heaven and he so wants us to return to live with him.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A new found strength

When I have my children, I then suffer from post-pardium depression.  And I tell you what, it sucks! (And I don't say that word often).   It is terrible to feel so out of control and unhappy.

I am generally a very happy person and so this was such a hard experience for me.  (And I am sure it's hard for everyone, it's real and it's hard).

So, today I decided I needed to share with you what happened along my way, and why I have found my strength.

Okay, so let's rewind, a few years ago, I was super excited.  My baby girl just came into the world.  She was a bundle of joy.  And then we went home from the hospital.  She was hard, nursing was hard, and very very painful.  But, I was determined.  And so we continued.  I then felt sad.  I felt so unworthy to all the world.  I felt depressed.  I wouldn't look at my husband, I didn't want to look him in the eye (and I can honestly say, he did nothing to deserve this -- I just didn't like how I felt).  But, time went buy, months, and then almost a year.  At that point, I was getting ready for bed and pleading with my Heavenly Father to help me.  I either needed to get medication or I needed an answer.  It was late, and so I turned to my scripture and found something that guided me down a path to find strength.

2 Nephi 25:29 "And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, . . . "

And how could I dispute that?

So, I started couching myself.  I became my own life coach.  Yeah, people who pay for a coach.  You can totally do it yourself. (smile).  I'd send myself emails each day, I'd study on topics (just like I do for this blog) about how I can be a better happier person.  And you know what it has happened.

I still get down (more often then I'd like).  But, as George Bailey finds in my very favorite all time movie (and yes, I have already seen it - just a few weeks ago actually) It's A Wonderful Life!  "I want to live again."

I am the richest woman in town!  And I am so blessed to know who my Savior is, to know the church I belong to has the complete truths, that I can and will live forever with my family, that I have the most awesome husband in the world (who supports me always), that my kids are most adorable and funny and so full of goodness!

A few months ago I was visiting with a friend who asked me if I was happy.  And I told her I struggled and told her my story and she said that I should share it with others.  If I can help anyone to know that it is so true that the Savior will help us every step.  Also in 2 Nephi 25: 28 it states, " . . . the right was is to believe in Christ and deny him not . . "  He is always available to help.

Things Don't Turn Out As Planned

So, today we were heading to Salt Lake to visit my sister and help with her kiddos.  On the way there, my little one threw up and so we turned around and headed home.

I was only 10 minutes from my destination!

How often do we turn around or go on another course of action, because something comes up.  Yeah, I know.  I had to turn around, it was the right course.  So, then I ask, how often are we going on a good course, and need to be on a better one and so we need to do a 180 and turn back?

This just got me thinking.  Being a teenager, I use to dream.  And I dreamed a lot.  I dreamed of the beautiful, clean house I would live in.  With 17 children.  Yeah, I wanted 17 children.  I didn't really know what that would be like.  But, I thought I could handle it.  I would be the perfect mom, make the perfect cookies, have the perfect house . . . I dreamed just like all teenagers do.  I didn't realize that being an adult would be so different and so hard.  That I would still have challenges and trials.  That I would worry more.  That sometimes my plans wouldn't work out.

Well, I didn't end up with 17 children.  I have 2.  And I love them dearly. They are amazing.  And I am grateful for them.

I wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I think that is the best occupation in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. And yes, I know it is hard.  I know that now as an adult.  I still would love to be with my children more, instead of working.  But, I have to say, I am so grateful that I have a graduate degree that has made it possible that I can choose my job.  AND I do have a wonderful career.  I think of it as my insurance policy.  And literally it is!  But, I can be so flexible with my job.  I get to do amazing fun things.  I didn't plan to work, but I love all the benefits that I get.  And my work blesses me as a mom and wife.

So, here are just some examples.  Sometimes, things just don't turn out as planned.  And sometimes it's okay.

Of course, I would have loved seeing Becky and her kiddos.  They are one of the most amazing families I know!  She is so selfless and such an amazing mother, and friend.  She knows how to have a good time and she has taught me the finer art of shopping - much to my husbands chagrin.  LOL!

But, I will see her over Thanksgiving.  And all is well.

Little one just woke up - playing peak a boo.

Life is good.  I am blessed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Being the Executive of Your Own Home

by Heidi LeBlanc

Many years ago, my sister Becky and I wanted to make a living by writing a book.  It was the days before blogging.  We started out in a notebook.  I found the notebook just the other day.  And I will share some of the fun things we wanted to do.

Excerpt from the notebook.

Title/Role : Being the Executive of Your Own Home

Responsibility:  Running a Household

1.  Yourself
2.  Husband
3.  Children
4.  Grandparents
5.  Friends and Associates

OURSELF, MOM, WIFE, CEO of the HOME (Below is what a mom does).
1.  Scheduling
2.  Organizing
3.  Filing
4.  Messaging

1.  Bookkeeping
2.  Budgeting (I love Dave Ramsey - my husband lives his principles and it blesses our home).
3.  Accounting
4.  Saving
5.  Profits

1.  Time management
2.  Stress management
3.  Educating
4.  Goal setting

Board members
1.  Family councils
2.  Decision making
3.  New perspective

Benefits (Insurance, Health)
1.  Education (I feel that my education is the best insurance policy I could ever have.  I can support my family if anything ever happened and I needed too.  My education allows me to have the flexibility I need to plan and change my schedule around my children.
2.  Exercise
3.  Eating right and Healthy (My secular work is called Food $ense, check it out!)
4.  JOY

Mission Statement
1.  Gain knowledge
2.  Live well
3.  Have JOY

I love finding things that bless my life.  I really have a JOYFUL life.  I am grateful for that.

Yesterday a cousin shared this on facebook and so I wanted to share it as well.

What too can we do?  What is your life dream?  What brings vitality?  What do you live for?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayer is a form of work . . .

Tonight I had a great visit with my son.  A great visit!

That isn't typical.  He is usually pushing my buttons and testing my patience.  Which started out that way.  It's way past bedtime and he comes out of his room.  I need my kids in bed early.  I can't function if I don't have some unwind time in the evening.  So, out he comes.  And, I'm thinking, "What are you doing?  Do you realize, I may blow a head gasket? . . . "

And then proceeds to tell me - he saw some scary images today at school.  He is kind of like me.  I do not like scary, creepy shows, things, etc.  I have a vivid imagination and can see images and feelings I have seen many many years ago.  He too has the wild imagination.  So, I feel for him.

About ten years ago, an amazing lady by the name of Joan Erickson, came to talk to our stake when we lived in Monticello.  She talked about prayer.  Since, then, I believe this is one of my favorite things in the scriptures.  It's simple, it's descriptive, and it's so TRUE!

In the Bible Dictionary, it states . . . "As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (namely, God is our Father, and we are his children), then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part (Matt. 7:7–11). Many of the so-called difficulties about prayer arise from forgetting this relationship. Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings."

We then talked about when we see images, we don't get them from our minds.  And the more we are exposed to things, the more we learn to accept them, and then maybe even em-brass them.

We talked about when we feel things aren't right.  When we get a pit in the bottom of our stomach, it is the Lord telling us to get out, that things aren't right.  And that he knew that (I am so glad).

How we got on prayer, is I told him that  I had to pray every night as a child, because of something I was afraid of, or needed to get out of my mind.  That as I prayed, I then sang songs, or did whatever I could to replace that.

I asked him, if he said his own prayers.  He was honest and said no.  I then pulled out the Bible dictionary and we talked about, that if we are asking our Heavenly Father to help us or provide a blessing, we must ask or work for it.  It may be conditional based on if we ask for it.  I asked him, if he believed in Heavenly Father?  He said, Yes.  I asked him, if he believed Heavenly Father answered prayers?  He said, Yes.  And then he prayed.

I feel like we had a great experience.  I am grateful for what a strong boy he is.  He has such a great spiritual strength.  A strength that amazes me.  He has such a great testimony.  Such simple faith.  I am grateful for the example he provides.

One thing I believe is that, parents need to let their children catch them praying.  Children need to see that parents say individual prayers and that prayer is a part of our life.

Now, let's get to work and have Heavenly Father bless us through prayer!

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Up To You

Back to that free agency, choices thing.

Family Man

It's getting closer to the Holidays, and I love them, I associate, Family Man with Christmas - although, it really isn't a Christmas movie.  This morning I received an email from Mark Merrill, who does the Family Minute.  I love his advice and so have emails sent to help strengthen the important relationships in my life.

The ending of Family Man. When he realizes what he doesn't have and wants to have it.  He "chooses us."  And I too, "choose us".  I "choose" to be totally in love with my family!  They are the best!  I "choose" to do second mile things that make life better for them.  I'll share more about that later.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What brings vitality to your life?

This is a question I have been contemplating since I read, Dan Baker's book.

What brings vitality to my life?  What makes me jump our of bed, anxious for a new day?  What makes me give up everything else?  What makes me passionate?

I live to create!  To make new things, to share my ideas, to formulate those ideas, to go the extra mile.

When I was very little, I remember my mom always telling me to go the extra mile.  That when we do anything we need to do more, give more, be more.  I am grateful for that.

Just this past year, we bought an older car that has a cassette player in it, and my husband had some cassettes I had never heard, so I would listen to them in my drive.  And I learned I absolutely LOVE Sterling W. Sills, he gave a talk about the second mile.  That often what we do is just getting by, but when we go the second mile the task isn't drudgery anymore, it becomes fun.  That is what brings me vitality.

When I use cute table decorations, and candles for dinner.  It becomes more than just getting food into the families mouths.  It becomes a fun pleasant experience.  One I have fun with.

When I wake my children in the morning, if I have breakfast ready for them.  It makes things run smoothly.  It makes me feel better.  (I know that it is true, when my husband says, I set the mood for the house - although, I don't like it.  Too much pressure.  But, when I do little extras, I feel satisfied and pleased.)

I go to Deseret Industries often, and buy up his works.  He was an excellent motivator, writing, and speaker.  So glad, I have a car with a cassette player in it - so I can enjoy his works, until they are recopied into digital.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My 12 Step Program

12 steps to overcoming weakness.

1.  I admit that my life has become unmanageable.  That I am powerless to overcome my weaknesses on my own.
2.  I believe the power of God can restore me to complete spiritual health.
3.  I made a decision to turn my will and life over to the care of God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
4.  I am searching and fearlessly writing a moral inventory of myself.
5.  I admit to myself,  to my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, to proper priesthood (if necessary), and to others the exact nature of my wrongs.
6.  I'm entirely ready to have God remove all my character weaknesses.
7.  I humbly ask Heavenly Father to remove my shortcomings.
8.  I made a list of all persons I have harmed and became willing to make restitution to them all.
9.  I made direct amends to people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10.  I continue to take personal inventory and when I have wronged - promptly admit it.
11.  Seeking through prayer and mediation to improve my conscious contact with Heavenly Father as I understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry that out.
12.  Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of the above Steps, I try to apply these into my daily life.  I have the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life, I will share this message with others and practice these principles in all I do.

My sister shared this booklet with me years ago and suggested that it really can help us with all our weaknesses.  I love the 12 steps or statements.  These are ways I will try to make my weaknesses become strong.

Weakness 101: In pajama's at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

I am feelign very weak at this very moment.  I am grumpy.  I am in my pajama's.  (That is probably why I am grumpy - it's 11 a.m.).  I have 100 things I need to do today.

So, by sharing my weakness, I have to then do something about it to strengthen in.

My steps to strengthening myself today:
1.  Crank the music - It's Your Life!!!!!
2.  I check out some of my motivational graphics, I got from others.

3.  I put on running clothes, shoes, strap the Little One into the stroller and I'm off.

I know in 30 minutes, my mood will change, I will feel exhilarated.  So, until then.  I will put one foot in front of the other.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Happy People Know

As, I mentioned in my profile, I love to read.  I read almost anything I can get my hands on.  I love to motivate myself and learn things that can bless my family and my life.  I was able to read a very insightful book, by Dan Baker, What Happy People Know, so here is my cliff notes version.

What happy people know – Cliff Notes
By:  Heidi L
Necessary tools that solve FEAR=Happiness. . .
1.    LOVE – The best feeling in the world is loving someone else.  Love is the polar opposite of fear.
2.    OPTIMISM – even when despair happens – hurtful lessons can and will be learned.  Gives power over fear of future and regret for past.
3.    COURAGE – strongest weapon for overcoming split second fear.
4.    A SENSE OF FREEDOM – freedom is a choice.  Choice is what makes us human.  Choice is available to anyone who has courage to exercise it.
5.    PROACTIVITY – Actively participate in my own destiny and forge my own happiness.  Events and people do not make me happy.
6.    SECURITY – Realization that nothing, over time – lasts.  Simply live who I am and be happy with who I am.
7.    HEALTH – Happiness and health are interdependent.  Health is good mood chemistry.
8.    SPIRITUALITY – Let go and welcome extraordinary experiences – bring Heavenly Father into life daily.  Listen to his word.  Talk with him.
9.    ALTRUISM – Give of yourself.  Get outside of yourself.  E giving.
10. PERSPECTIVE – Prioritize your problems, turn them into possibilities.  Don’t lose sight of lifes bigger picture.
11. HUMOR – A shift of perception that helps people go on.  Abandonment of hard – Enlightenment of good.
12. PURPOSE – Know why yourhere on earth.  Be satisfied – because your living a wonderful life.
1.    Appreciation – purest, strongest form of liove.  Asks for nothing.  But gives everything!
2.    Choice – Father of freedom and voice of love.
3.    Personal power – my life belongs to me and me alone.  Take responsibility to do something about it.  Keeps you from being a victim.  I can handle whatever life dishes out.  I don’t need to be popular, don’t need to be right.  I’m secure.
4.    Leading with my Strengths.  Take path of intellect and spirit.  Don’t try to fix weaknesses --- lead with strengths.  Focus on what your good at and improve those and the weaknesses will improve too.
5.    The power of language and stories – we don’t describe the world we see – we see the world we describe.
6.    Multidimensional living – balance wit relationships, health and purpose.  We need to have a purpose.
5 Happiness Traps
1.    Trying to buy happiness
2.    Trying to find happiness through pleasure
3.    Trying to be happy by reliving the past
4.    Trying to be happy by overcoming weaknesses
5.    Trying to force happiness

“When you make the right choices – inspired by love instead of fear – you end up doing what you love, and time becomes abundant.”
Am I living the life I love?  Ask yourself these questions . . .

1.    What brings vitality to your life?
2.    What do you want to be known as?
3.    What’s your proudest achievement?
4.    What does your life stand for?
5.    What would you sacrifice your life for?
6.    IIn what situation do you feel most alive?
7.    What would you want on your tombstone?

So, how is this making my weak self become strong.  Each day, I take a few minutes to write about things I appreciate.  I even write about what my strengths are.  Currently, I am focusing on the things I do well.  (This is very hard for me - in fact the first day, I could only come up with 3 - and they were totally lame.  But, I now can write a complete page and yes, each day some things may resurface on the list and that is okay.  I am learning that I am important, I have purpose, and I can do anything with the Lord on my side.

So, today some of my strengths are:
I love to run, I have a super strong muscle mass (yeah, it's insulated, but I am a physically strong person), I have dark blue eyes that can be very intense, I can see - my eye sight is not great (but with corrective lenses - I can see well) and I love to see, I can visualize a final product, result, etc.  I have great vision, I am spontaneous, I am also a planner (I love to plan!  I love to plan parties, events, outings, I love it when things come together, I love to host!), I am kind, I love the  Gospel of Jesus Christ, I love my Savior!, I love my children, I love my spouse, I love to design and create, I am thoughtful, I am reflective (I ponder, meditate, think), I love art (I love to paint, sketch, and make a mess with my kids), I have pretty penmanship, I am organized, I live like a pioneer (and I am good at being happy about my situation - with the drafty floors, walls, and windows), I LOVE the holidays and love to make them magical for my family and friends, I am generally HAPPY, I have a great smile (that shows up often and always), I have cute little tiny feet, and I am ME.