Saturday, December 29, 2012

HAPPY New Year

For the past 6 years I have set goals to meet the number of years I am.  For example, I will be 39 in 10 days.  :)  Wow!  I am getting old.  Ha, Ha.  But, I am celebrating this!  I love that I have lived 39 years. I love my life.  And I am prepping to set goals.

As, I was trying to decide what to do.  I told a friend, I wanted to do CLEAN as my theme.  I'd eat clean, clean my house of clutter, clean up my body with working out, clean up my thinking (stop reading things that don't really strengthen me, etc.) and clean up my life.  Ha!  I had to do 5 things - since there are 5 letters in CLEAN.  Don't ask me why.  I play games like that.  It helps me.  Ha, Ha.  So, this is a great idea.  But, I just didn't get the vibe this was what I really wanted to do.  

Last year, I made a deal with a friend that I wouldn't shop for clothing. Ummm.   I knew the theme Discipline didn't work.   I did last about 4 months.  And then I didn't have discipline anymore and shopped like a shop-a-holic.  

I was talking with my friend about my clean goals, I was telling her I have not done well at all.  I've tried to be clean for a week and half.  Of course, stupid time to do that.  Goodies, milk chocolate fudge, and cheesecake factory . . . what's a girl with no discipline to do.  Actually, I starved myself all day to go to the cheesecake factory, we didn't get to go, it was a 3 hour wait.  So, we went to chick-fa-la.  Oh gosh, fried chicken, fried french fries and a chocolate shake about killed me.  By time I had a few bites my tummy and body were saying please just give us a vegetable.  PLEASE!  So, clean eating was a struggle too.  No discipline.  :(

I need a goal that I can succeed at.  A goal I can accomplish and feel happy!  That's it, I need to set my goal to be HAPPY!  I am going to live my life, as I am the Happiest person on earth!  Because you know what, I AM!!!!

So, what is it that I know about being happy?????

I read a book by Dan Baker called what Happy People Know.  (Fabulous, life altering book BTW).
In the book it highlights some pretty fabulous stuff.  Here is some of the things from my Cliff Notes:


1.    Appreciation – purest, strongest form of liove.  Asks for nothing.  But gives everything! 
           I will be grateful each day!  
           I will keep a gratitude journal.
           I will let others know I am grateful for them, for their service, for their love.
2.    Choice – Father of freedom and voice of love.
          I will make choices that keep me free!
          I will choose to read only uplifting things that bless me to be HAPPY!
          I will choose to serve my Heavenly Father.
          I will choose to keep my house in order.
          I will choose to be HAPPY!
          I will choose to be the best wife and mother ever!
3.    Personal power – my life belongs to me and me alone.  Take responsibility to do something about it.  Keeps you from being a victim.  I can handle whatever life dishes out.  I don’t need to be popular, don’t need to be right.  I’m secure.
         I will know that my life belongs to me!
         I will take responsibility to do great things to make my life HAPPY!
         I will not ever be a victim. 
         I will handle whatever life dishes out.
         I will be secure with who I am.
4.    Leading with my Strengths.  Take path of intellect and spirit.  Don’t try to fix weaknesses --- lead with strengths.  Focus on what your good at and improve those and the weaknesses will improve too.
        I will look at all I do and find the strength I provided.
        I will lead with the things I am strongest at.
        I will focus on what I do good and improve that.
5.    The power of language and stories – we don’t describe the world we see – we see the world we describe.
        I will look at my world and describe it.  
        I will see the best world I could possibly live in.
        I will create new opportunities for my life.
6.    Multidimensional living – balance wit relationships, health and purpose.  We need to have a purpose.
        I will be better at balancing my family and work.  
        I will work harder than ever to be stronger than ever.
        I will love my hard work and it will pay off.
        I will act only for purpose and not react.
        I will define my purpose.
5 Happiness Traps
1.    Trying to buy happiness
        I will not shop to console my soul. 
        I will shop only for needs.
        I will do activities that can feed my hungry self instead of indulging through extreme behaviors.
2.    Trying to find happiness through pleasure
        I will find things I love to do and do them.
        I will incorporate art into my life again.
        I will have the pleasure of being a kind and loving mother who is firm and dedicated.
3.    Trying to be happy by reliving the past
        I will let the past go.
        I will forgive myself.
        I will forgive others who have hurt me.
4.    Trying to be happy by overcoming weaknesses
        I will always look at my strengths and list them.
        I will make an abundant life (vision) board to remind me of my incredible 39th year.
Trying to force happiness
  I will have fun.
  I will learn to have the Lord in my life.
& I will enjoy this process.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

8 Weeks . . .

4 PARTS - Day 1

1.  Embrace the gospel -
I am determined to be "Deliberate and Dedicated" to such a conversion and conviction that I am not ashamed of the gospel.  That "I am mormon, I know it.  I live it.  I love it."  Each day, I am committed to showing how I am a mormon.  How I know it, I live it, and I love it.

My testimony. . .
I am a mormon, I knew long ago that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was true.  Do I still know it?  Mostly.  Sometimes, I forget what is most important.  And of course, it's the little things.  I am so blessed to have our church, to have the spiritual inspiration to know that I have a plan and a purpose here on earth and that I can through our Savior, Jesus Christ  - "Be of Good Cheer."  He has made the way for me to repent that I may gain Eternal life and live with him and my family.  I know that as I gain hope in him, I can have the faith needed to help me throughout this life.  I am grateful for the lessons I am learning.

Now, I need to live it!  How can I improve to show that I live the gospel of Jesus Christ?  I need to make sure I do not speak ill of others, this includes especially my dear sweet family.

My family goal - Quentin Cook's message.  "Immersion in the scriptures is essential for spiritual nourishment."

2.  Eat well and work hard -
I can throw 30 lbs of dumbbells all over the place.  I can lift way more than I can even imagine.  I know that.  I do it often.  But, I still have 30 lbs more to loose.  So, Saturday, my family and I ran/walked a 5K.  I had to carry my little one for about 1/2 a mile.  It was hard.  She weighs about 30 lbs.  I then realized the extra weight I am carrying around is hard too.  It makes me tired.  It hurts my joints and my bones.  I have been working out at the gym for almost 1 year.  I have made the most amazing friend.  Someone who believes in me, challenges me, and helps me.  She will be moving in May.  It's hard for me to think about.  All, I know is that by May, I've got to be strong enough that I can motivate myself and be strong for myself.  I know I can do it on my own.  It's the motivation I have been lacking.  I guess I have been letting other things get in the way.  Soooo.  My goal is to lose all 30 lbs of extra by time she leaves.

How will I do this?
1.  Eat fresh whole foods as much as possible.  I will FILL my life with apples, oranges, cucumbers, bananas, carrots, . . . . I love them and I should eat them.
2.  Drink tons of water.  I love water too.  It is my favorite.
3.  Increase my protein, get what I need.  I need more for my muscle development - with all my extra lifting, etc.
4.  Workout no matter what.  I have a gym membership, I can workout at work, I have a road and a sidewalk. . . I should have NOO excuse.  This winter, we will all have snow shoes.  I plan to use them often.  If it doesn't snow, I have running shoes.  I should use those often too.  I will need to develop a plan each day.

3.  Love my spouse -
Joel and I have had a crazy few months.  It's been tough on us both.  He has been away for work and away for family stuff.  I have been here.  He is such an incredible guy.  He loves me so much he never wants to burden my life.  He loves me so much he lets me vent, and he just listens.  He loves me so much he would do anything for me.  I really need to help him know what I need and I need to really focus on what he needs.

How will I do this?
1.  I plan to listen to him.
2.  I plan to help him on the house.  Our new normal will be working on the house each day.  I can do clean-up.  I can help hang boards, and sand dry wall, and pull electrical wires.  I can save money and do the things necessary to complete this project.  I am committed to do just that.
3.  I plan to write a gratitude journal for all the things he does for me.  He is such a spiritual giant and a great father.  I need to make sure I let him know each day how grateful I ma for the strength he gives me.

4.  Joy in my journey -
I am not going to compete with others.  I am going to be ME.  I am going to develop my hobbies, talents and be the best ME I can be.

How will I do this?
1.  Listen to my kids and have fun.
2.  Listen to my husband and develop family memories that will last forever.
3.  Love the building of the house.
4.  Paint and draw often and teach my children to enhance their skills.

5.  Simplify -
I am going to eliminate the unnecessary things from my life.  With work, with play, with home. . . .I sometimes feel I gain worth by running ragged.  But, I am going to focus on the most important things first.  The Lord.  My family.  The gospel.

Thanksgiving Challenge - ME in 8 weeks

In 8 weeks I turn 39 years old.  And I plan to celebrate each of those years!  I have many friends who say, I'm 29 and holding.  Not me.  I am 39 years old and I have loved my life.  I have had many ups and downs and things have not turned out the way I had planned.  BUT, I wouldn't change it for anything.

So, for the next 8 weeks I am going to be stronger and healthier in all aspects of my life.

1.  Embrace the gospel - I am going to pick out 2 things from General Conference that I can apply to my life that will strengthen me and my family.

2.  Eat well and work hard - I am going to take my physical fitness to the next level.  I am going to work hard to be stronger than I have ever been.  To include my family and mostly have a great time doing it!

3.  Love my spouse - I am going to be grateful for each and everything he does for me.  And work towards making his life happy.

4.  I'm going to find joy in my journey -I actually have lots of fun, and do this often.  I would so much rather toss my dishes in the sink and go paint with my kids.  Or read.  Or play card games.  I am going to work each day, just to be happy.

5.  Simplify - I am going to assess the busy-ness in my life and eliminate it.  So, I can focus on the importance.

ME in 31 days! DONE

1.  Dressing your truth.
Ha, Ha.  I wore black this afternoon and kinda felt funny.  Although at church today, I had on black nylons  with polka dots and black shoes.  Loved that.  Still not sure about the black sweater.  Ha.  I love black.  It just felt weird.  But, like I have said.  I will wear color and have fun, but still love black.  And I really don't love CT's dressing your truth.

To me, what is dressing your truth?  I think dressing your truth is knowing what you love and being who you are.  Who are you?  Who tells you who you are?  I think you just know.

We kinda had a discussion about this.  When you embrace something like this, why do you do it?  What did CT say that would make you believe her ideas are right on?  She doesn't have degrees and background.  She just made it up????  Is it people are so hungry they are searching for something to lift them?

One more thing that has bothered me about the DYT stuff.  WHY does she have a store that caters to what type of person you are?  It sort of reminds me of a fad diet.

Oh well.  Enough about DYT.  I did my 31 days and now, I plan to move onward and upward. ;)

2.  Eat clean.  I have gone a whole month having no-sugar days.  Love the way they make me feel.  So, a few things I have learned.  1.  I need protein, helps even my moods.  2.  I need to eat more fresh/whole foods, feels me.  The more real food I eat, the less I crave or feel hungry.  3.  Sometimes we feed ourselves for other feelings than hunger - sometimes we are hungry for love, friendship .. . I found that I am defiantly an emotional eater.

So being an emotional eater, I found that I need to figure out what I can do to make things better.  For example, I find myself being more thoughtful, asking questions why I am eating.  Why I am eating at certain times. ETC.  It's helpful to really think!

I know I have been trained to think before doing.  And it is sooo true.  Sometimes, we are so mindless with out eating.  So, I'm keeping this section moving forward.  In fact, I am going to do a few things in a new challenge.  Coming soon in my next post.  :)

3.  Kids and Spouse.  Will continue to work on this.  I decided I am going to make some plans.  1st, I am going to do what Elder Sitaki did, I am going to focus on 2 things from conference and work on them throughout the year as a family.  Of course, I am going to focus on at least 1 for the family and 1 for me.

4.  Exercise - I had a successful weekend with my kids.  They both did a 5k.  It's just 3 miles but for a little one and a not so big one, it was big.  They both found success and they will do it again!  SUCCESS!

5.  Sleep.  Doing pretty good.  Early to bed.  Early to rise.

6.  Save money - totally have a budget plan.  It's gonna be awesome.  Gotta focus on it and move forward.

7.  House - cleaning for a party this next week.  I love to host parties.  :)  Can't wait to have a house to really have lots of parties in.  :)

8.  Turn work off.  Doing MUCH better.

So, grateful for these challenges.  Glad this 31 days is over.  Now, on to the next challenge.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

ME, Days 19 - 26

Almost through this challenge.  Whew!  I am trying to talk my hubby into doing a challenge with me.  He says, "I'm not into challenges."  Ha, ha.

1.  Dressing your truth - I am certain, I will change a few things, as I have mentioned;
      a.  Bold colors are fun for me.
      b.  I will bring in my favorite blacks, probably won't wear black slacks, but I have a few sweaters        that I LOVE and a couple skirts and dresses.  And of course shoes and boots.  In fact, I am wearing black boots right now.  :)
      c.  I will wear more jewelry.
      d.  I will wear fun colors of make-up.  I swore back in high school, I would never wear blue.  I have turquoise eye liner on.  So, never say never.  :)
      e.  Dressing the truth is more than just clothing.  It's finding out who you are.  And having the freedom to be that person.  My friend who is doing it, is amazing.  She looks great.  She is really embracing it and it's working well for her.

2.  Eat Clean - doing good for 4 days and then 3 free.  Probably need to only have 1 day or 2.  Or zero. Things I have learned:
      a.  I can go without treats mostly.  Halloween was tough - well the week after halloween was.  I made it, we still have candy, I didn't eat it all that weekend.  But, just having the food around was tough for me.
      b.  I am finding what I need to feed.  It's not hunger.  I have other things that make me want to eat.  What are they?  Am I addicted to certain foods - this I have known forever.  I just don't know what to do about it just yet.  I am reading an amazing book called "The Hunger Fix" and it is really a good one. It's really prepping me to figure out what i need to do.  I'm excited to finish reading.
     c.  When I am emotional, angry mostly, I found I need protein.

3.  Kids and spouse - still love them.  Actually, I have learned one thing about being hungry, we are hungry for attention at our house.  My kids asked the other day if they could have dessert, which they had pie for lunch and I said "no, we don't need dessert twice in one day".  Then I said, I would play a game with them.  They loved it.  It was soooo filling!

4.  Exercise - yesterday I scared myself.  I thought I was pulling or tearing my shoulder.  It made me nervous. Really nervous.  BUT,  I didn't.  I have been pumping some serious weights keeping up with the other gals in our group.  I decided I need to maintain, and gain slowly.  I don't have to keep up.  I have to do what is best for me.

5.  Sleep - last night I didn't sleep well.  But, I have slept better most of the week.  I even wake up super early like 5:30 a.m..  It's nice.  I think it's because I don't eat sugary foods or eat out.  What a difference I am feeling.

6.  Save money - next month I will be back on track.  I've got to be more careful.  Make a budget.

7.   House - we are decorating for Christmas.  Love it.  It's fun.  Today, I even hung the outside lights since it was absolutely beautiful today.

8.  Turn work off - still a work in progress.  No pun intended.  :)

To another 6 days!  As my good friend says, "We've got this."

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ME, Day 13-18

I have been enjoying this journey.  Lot's of learning!

1.  Dressing your truth.  So, here is my plan.  I will be ME!  I will have fun with color.  I will wear my hear curlier more often . I will accessorize.  I will have fun!  Which, has brought me to another point I decide about myself.  I will love activities and having a good time.  I love doing outdoors things and playing.  I'm gonna play more often.  Because that crazy lady, CTsays I like to have fun.  She just opened the door to my new found freedom.

2.  Eat Clean. . . I have done fairly well here.  I have learned some great lessons.  I have been 90% faithful on my couple goals.  No soda - I made a mistake last weekend and drank one, when I was having a major meltdown.  :)  No fast food  - did that the same day.  No sugar M-Th - did good.  Except one time, I snuck a skittles - so my trainer made me do 10 pushups.  Ha. Ha. So, want worth it.

3.  Kids and Spouse - share the love.  I think this may be my hardest area.  I just really need to see the way the Lord loves them and love them . I get so annoyed by little things.  When I really just need to LOVE them.  I can do this.

4. Exercise.  So, today I totally rocked the triceps.  Ha, Ha.  We were all working out and the big strong  guy did triceps push downs at 37 lbs.  I thought that was what I was suppose to too.  So, I rocked them.  Then I started on the pull downs and I was like "Holy cow, this is soooo hard.  I'm not sure I can do it."  Ha, ha.  I had on 10 extra pounds.  I am starting to see definition.  Love that.  My friend helped me see tonight, that I am super strong and I need to enjoy that.  Thanks Ang.  What would I do if I didn't have your encouragement.

5.  Sleep.  Somedays I sleep better than others.  Sure love the day light savings round this time.  I feel like I wake earlier and can do so much.

6.  Save Money.  Got my hair done - didn't really save any money.  BUT, loved it.  Loved it.  :)

7.  House.  It's a disaster.  Tomorrow, I'm home and will clean and will pull in Christmas stuff.  I know it's early. But, we are putting it up.  It's gonna be fun!

8.  Turn work off.  Actually have done pretty good over the past week.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

ME, Days 11 and 12

31 days to figure out ME. . . .

1.  Dressing your truth - I am not going to rant and rave tonight.  I really am having fun with colors!  Bright, vibrant colors.

Along with dressing your truth - you can buy "The Child Whisperer".  It teaches you how to parent your children with your type and their type.  So, I did some assessments of what I think my family is.

Boy - he is a Type 1 & Type 3
Girl - she is a Type 3 & Type 1
Hubby - he is a Type 4 & 3

Ha, Ha.  I am not sure they are labeled right.  But, it kind of makes me smile.   So, me - I had 11 characteristics that put me in Type 1 and 10 characteristics that put me in Type 3.  I would say - I have a split personality.  Ha, ha.  :)  Which totally makes more sense to me - I am definitely an idea person and I am definitely a get it done person.  So, that was eye opening and interesting.  Now, to find out what Carol has to say about type 1/3 - that are so close - almost a 50/50 type personality.

2.  Eat cleanER.  I did good.  Halloween came and went and I didn't eat any candy.  Today, was a real struggle.  I worked from home.  And I didn't plan.  That makes a huge difference for me.  Also, I was really annoyed with the world today.  And I am an emotional eater.  I found today a tip or technique that helped me - when I need to eat emotionally I use to turn to sweets, candy, and things like that.  But, I have learned that I need to add some protein.  Actually, it lifts my mood too.  Tonight, I dropped my kids cupcakes all over the ground (of course, frosting falls on the floor).  I was annoyed and made (tired too) and I craved something sweet.  I ate instead a protein packed food (nuts) and feel so much better.  These 12 days have helped me see some important techniques to help me eat better.  Kids have stopped asking to get fast food.  Yeah!!!!  Another big hurdle.

3.  Kids and Spouse - I didn't share the love so well.  I was ornery.  I can be quite selfish.  Need to work on that.

4.  Exercise - stretched a lot.  I am very stiff today from yesterday's workout.  It was tough.  But, way fun!

5.  Sleep - I don't sleep well sometimes.  Kids have been coming in and out of my room.  My spouse is home - and I don't have the HUGE bed all to myself.  My back has been tight lately - need to get to the Chiropractor.  Helps me a ton.

6.  Save money - I am going to be frugal.  Stopped at target tonight to get some produce.

7. House - cleaned.

8.  Turn work off - I'm doing a little better with this.  But, I'm stressed and will have to work this weekend.  Journal Articles.  Oh my!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


1.  Dressing your truth - as you will see, I think I don't agree with this fully.  So, I am suppose to be a bright and animated woman and I think Carol Tuttle thinks that Type 1 people are morons.  She says it's okay to wear clothes like . . .

But, not . . . .

She is wearing black.  And look how cute.  Maybe she isn't a type 1, but who cares what color you wear?  It's fun to dress to meet your personality.  But, black can be a color of influence, a color of fun, it has so many options and varieties.  Ha, Ha. . . . I guess I'm annoyed.  Well, I did agree to dress your truth for 31 days.  But, I can hardly stand that my 2 favorite turtle necks are sitting in a box when I could be enjoying them.  And what would it matter if I started wearing black again?  Will I embrace this idea that Carol came up with?  Probably not.  But, it's fun to have something not worth complaining about to complain about.  Ha, Ha.

BTW, Love Bobbi Brown.  Love the makeup.  Love her classy/fun style.

2. Eat clean.  Oh boy I wanted SUGAR today.  I wanted it so badly that I had to cook some meat to avoid it.  Ha, ha.  I ate rice and raisins for breakfast and didn't have protein, so I started craving the sugar.  So, I made a mid-morning protein snack.  Ha, Ha.  It helped.  But, then my little one found the chocolate.  By, then I was stronger and in a better place and didn't need it.  Whew!  I am actually feeling more energy now.  It's good.  And I haven't eaten out in forever.  It feels good to take charge of my life.

3.  Kids and spouse.  Shared the love with the family.

4.  Exercise.  Bombed it.  Got ready.  Didn't go.  But, I can hardly move my arms from yesterday.  Super stiff.

5.  Sleep.  Going to bed now.  :)

6.  Save money.  Didn't shop or go anywhere - so I still have money. :)

7.  House a home.  I cleaned a little and organized.

8.  Turn work off.  I worked today.  So, work was constant.  But, I haven't worked all day.  I had some breaks and got a TON accomplished.

ME, Days 8 & 9

It's been a good few days.  My best days so far (George Durrant).  For each day makes up my new day.  Best day!!!!

1.  Dress your truth - still not sure what I think.  My friend is sold on this program.  It works well for her.  She looks fabulous.  I have had lots of good comments and I am wearing fun things.  Things, I wouldn't normally do.  But, it's still the black hang-up.  Any suggestions???  Although, I have not worn black for 9 days.  Ha, ha.

A few things I have learned:
a.  It's okay to mix it up and wear different things.  Have fun with it.
b.  Black is okay too.  :)
c.  Thrift stores are way fun!

2.  Eat clean.  Well, no sugar and no eating out.  Doing okay with this.  My friend, Ang and I are doing it together.  We are going to avoid eating sugars on Halloween too.  Should be good.  We can do this!  And we are going to have sooo much fun.

3.  Kids & Spouse - give them love.  Have stayed calm.  Praised the kids for keeping things clean.  Love it!  I love a clean organized house!  And I really need them to help me.  They have been trying soooo hard.

4.  Exercise.  Beasty workout yesterday, wrapped up with spinning.  I do have a love/hate relationship with spinning.  It feels so good to be done, but it hard all the way through.  I have a friend who spins for an hour.  One day.  I will be that strong too!  She is so dedicated and so good.  I love these examples in my life.  The people I workout with are so encouraging.  I'm doing things I never thought possible.

5.  Sleep.  Went to bed early both nights.  Love that!  I love the energy I feel from more sleep.

6.  Save money.  Been only buying what I need.  :)

7.  House a home.  Compartmentalized my living room.  Ha, ha.  I have a really weird shaped room.  It has a living room, a dining room and a computer room now.   I compartmentalized it with rugs.  Right now, I have to make due - until I have an awesome house.  Which one day I will.  I know people think we are so weird.  We are building our own house, without any loan and my hubby is doing it himself.  We have had lots of support and help.  But, it's taken a long long time.  We have reached over the 5 year mark.  I so wanted to be in it for Christmas, but it's not even close to being ready.  We have had lots of stumbling blocks along the way.  Oh well.  I have a place to live.  It is a challenge, but when I do little things like curtains, new rug, and compartmentalize the living room - I can smile and like where I am.  And when it's clean - I am less stressed about it.  (A lesson, my kids are learning - finally!!!!).

8.  Work - didn't turn work on all weekend.  But, I have tons to accomplish today.  So, here I go!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

ME, Days 6 & 7

One week into the challenge.

1.  Dress your truth - so still feel the same about the challenge as I did on day 4&5.  Still have not worn black.  I am having fun with the colors - bright colors, fun necklaces, etc.  I am also having fun shopping.  Brigham City has a new store called Xiala.  It's fabulous.  It's a second hand store.  Very hip, cute, and fun.  North part of town - before Kents Market.

2.  Eat clean - day off.  Ugh.  I found a few things:

a.  I need to still plan my food for the weekends.
b.  I need to limit my choices.
c.  I need to be strong.

3.  Kids and I had a good day.  We played, shopped, cleaned.  Spouse and I had a good day chatting.  He is traveling and should be home soon.

4.  Exercise.  I was going to go with Brit.  Missed that opportunity.  Sorry Britt!

5.  Sleep better.  I took a nap, that is for a few minutes until the kids come looking for me.  Mom, where is this, Mom wake up I want you to come out of your bedroom . . ..  I gave in.  The nap was not going to be successful anyway.  Ha, Ha.

6.  Save money - shopping does not help you save money.  I need to shop 1 x a month . Things on a list. . . I need to be much more disciplined.

7.  Found an awesome rug at WalMart for $10.  and it matches my living room better.  LOVE it.  Also found some clearance item - candle hurricanes.  LOVE it!  Fun shopping day.  The room looks so much more pulled together.  LOVE it (Again)!

8.  I didn't turn work on.  Although, I need to hurry and do a couple things.  Monday is coming and I have things to plan for.

Challenge is helping me focus and do better.  A friend of mine (you may wonder why she is a friend after this) says I don't focus well.  And that I juggle to many balls.  In fact, she laughed at me for doing this challenge at all.  She thinks - 8 changes is to many.  Ha!  I am showing her.  :)  Actually, I am really enjoying this and enjoying my life.  Maybe I do juggle to many balls.  But, I am an expert juggler!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

ME in Days 4 & 5

Two days further into my 31 day challenge.

Day 4 & 5

1.  Dress your truth - okay so I don't really love the author of the program.  Long story.  So, I've been freaking out a little bit about why I am following her ideas on dressing your truth.  What is her expertise?  Why does she think she has it?  Maybe that is just what a type 1 person does.  AND I totally love love love black!  Love it!  And not wearing it.  There is definitely more in my color choices now and I feel confident in those too.  I just love a black sweater with hot pink shoes, etc.  So, it would still be fun.  And yet, totally my own thing.

Another thought, I even wonder sometimes if I am a type 1.  My friend from work says definately.  And I can say, probably.  I am an idea person.  I have TONS of ideas, I am creative, and yet, I am also shy.  I don't know think I'm the life of the party.  I will laugh and have fun, but I am not a person who wants the lime light.  I don't know.

So, Day 4 & 5 - lots of questions.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have been keeping my deal with Ang.  No sugars.  No eating out.  And planning ahead.  I've found a few things along this journey.

a.  I like to eat late - usually want junk food.  So, I just told myself that I would make it through the night.  Ha, Ha.

b.  We eat out way to often.  I am hungry and the kids ask, and we do fast food.  So, this has been new and interesting.  And the way, I solved this - I pack more food than I need during the day, so I can eat a clementine and almonds on the way home and if I pack foods for the kids - then the drive through dilemma has been solved too.

c.  I use to eat way to many sweets.  So, today is my sweet day - and I haven't had one (today is really Day 6).  I am saving it for something or maybe nothing at all.

3.  Treat Spouse and Kids . . . .So, I'm learning how to handle my ornery girl.  She is ornery in the mornings mostly and has some attitude.  She loves music and I think that helps to help her wake up.   And, I'm learning to really respect my son.  He deserves that.  And I learned a valuable lesson yesterday, my spouse's work takes him away from home - ALOT!  But, I learned that it's hard for me. But, it's also hard for him.

4.  Exercise daily - rocked it!  Worked hard.  And one of my good friends, Brit just got a membership to the gym I go too.  Sooooo. . ..  we are planning some serious workouts!

5.  Sleep better - need to still work on this one.  So, hard for me.

6.  Save money - I've been very conscientious about my spending.  Only buy what I need.

7.  House a home - urgh.  It's a disaster area.  Tonight, tomorrow serious cleaning will be involved (Ang, if I can lift my arms).

8.  Turn off work.  I'm doing better!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ME in 31 days, Day 3

A better day.  I took some time to plan and prepare and that made a BIG difference.

1.  Dress your truth.  Well for wearing a sweatshirt and khaki's I did okay.  No bling today. I was very casual.  Ha, ha.  Colors were in the palate.  But, excited for tomorrow's outfit and Thursday's.  Kinda fun!

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  I have also made a deal with my good friend, Ang.  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - no sugars.  And like I mentioned yesterday - 31 days ithout eating out.  WAHOO!  Go us!

3.  Treat spouse and kids as they are the gifts Heavenly Father has given to me.  Love my family.  They are funny, exciting, and good to me.

4.  Exercise daily - okay this is where I failed today.  I picked up the middle part of the snowman does that count?  Really, I failed!  I went to Salt Lake unexpected and it took a few hours of my day.  But, I got to see my cute man!

5.  Sleep better.  Doing better.

6.  Save money.  Well, I did shop for food and some necessary things for the house today.  Spent quite a bit.  But, found I have a tendency to buy to much sometimes.  :)  And I resisted this time.  I bought what I needed for 2 weeks and maybe one extra and left the others behind.

7. Hung my curtains, cleaned my living room.  Love the curtain and the new look.  It opens it up adn makes things match better.  They totally go with my couches.  I need to find a new rug.  I have zebra accents and my rug is ugly!  It's squares of color and doesn't match at all!

8.  Turn off work.  I was going to do today as a day off.  I didn't do it.  I worked all day!  And that means - I didn't get what I needed to at home done.  I gotta be better about that!

But, tomorrow is a new and better day!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 2

Okay, maybe a little better today?  I am going to go with that.  Yep.  A better successful day.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay again.  Wore a cream blouse that has crochet throughout.  And turquoise shoes.  That was mainly my color.  My hair was a bit out of control.  Need to watch how to manage curly hair.  Mine can be unruly.  I need to color it too.  :)

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  So, I didn't go to a Fast Food store on the way home.  The kids begged and I said, "No, we will eat dinner at home."  Gotta be prepared - snacks in the car.  I think I will pre-package some snacks to have for each child.  And for me.  If I am hungry, I usually say yes.  My goal is to plan ahead this week for all my meals, portion out, pre-prep if needed, etc.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . . . I did better.  Gave lots of hugs and kisses.  Got lots of response with that!  Tomorrow morning I'm trying classical music.

4. Exercise daily, did an hour of weight lifting.  Went up on reps.  WOW!  Tough stuff.

5.  Going to bed now.  A little later, but earlier than normal.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any money today.  Wahoo!

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Last week I bought some cool curtains for my living room.  They are insulated and will be just what we need to hold out some cold this winter.  Checked sizes and will be a perfect fit.  Hanging them tomorrow.

8.  Turn off work, when work is done.  I have done that tonight.  Was able to compartmentalize that today.  Turned off the computer and turned off the work!  Until now.  But, will shut it off as I am going to bed right now.

So, as it happens today turned out okay.  It's been a good day!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Me in 31 days, DAY 1

Okay, I totally failed day one.

1.  Dress my truth - did okay, I wore some funky fuschia boots.  Totally not what I would normally do.  But, being a type 1 person - means do crazy fun, outgoing things.  Although, at times I wonder if I have misdiagnosed myself.  Ha, Ha.  I am not really outgoing.  But, I had fun anyway!

Note:  If you do the dress your truth thing, and you aren't suppose to wear black and you pack it away, don't forget that you will need some new colored tights.  I had to do a gray version.  It worked. Well sort of.

2.  Eat clean, no processed foods.  THIS IS WHERE I FAILED.  I had a RS meeting today.   And there was this yummy wassail caramel stuff.  Um, I had it.  I enjoyed it.  I guess it wasn't processed. But, holy cow it was calorie loaded.

Need to plan better for situations as that.  And to plan food for the day.

3.  Treat kids and spouse as they are the gifts . .. failed again.  But, my sweet friend and Relief Society President bouyed me up.  She is so amazing to me.  She helped me see that although I am struggling and not perfect, I am an okay mom and I need to stop beating myself up.

4.  Exercise daily - well not today.  It was the Sabbath.  But, tomorrow I will do serious weights and then spin bike.  :) With my buddy Ang!  She is the toughest, sweetest girl I know.  So well rounded and so happy!

5.  Sleep better.  Okay.  Wrapping it up.  And in bed.  G'nite.

6.  Save money.  Didn't spend any today.  :)  Ha, Ha.

7.  Create a home in 31 days.  Um, got all the luggage out of the car.  Used my nice scentsy candle thing.  IT smells good and is soooo cute!

8.  I didn't even work today.  I usually don't work Sundays, but sometimes I stress that tomorrow is Monday.  And, I haven't reached that stress point yet.  Why worry anyways?  It doesn't help and most things our out of my control.  So, I will control what I can (mostly just how I react to what happens) and we will go from there.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

ME in 31 days

Me in 31 days

Yesterday was evaluate your life day.  I am one of those rare people who love CHANGE.  I love to watch the seasons change, I love holidays, I love changing and rearranging my furniture, I love to change my hair, makeup, and clothes.  I love to watch my children change and develop through each stage.  I do have struggles and challenges just like everyone else, hence the blog - weak things become strong.  I love resolutions.  I break resolutions.  But, I love the chance that each and every day I can make a change to improve my life or someone else's.

A friend at work has found the Dressing Your Truth stuff, shared it with me and a co-worker.  My co-worker embraced it quickly (definite Type 3 personality for her).  I on the other hand, freaked out a tiny little bit.  My personality (Type 1) according to DYT says I should not wear black.  BUT, I love black!  So,  she told me what she did with her black clothes.  She took them out of her closet and into another room.  I decided I could put them in a rubbermaid container just outside my closet.  I almost had a heart attack doing so.  Did I mention I love black?  Well, I do!  Anyways, this challenge has sent me on a little self evaluation and since yesterday was evaluate your life day, I have been thinking about major changes (which really are just little baby steps) that will change my life.

For 31 days, I am going to work on the follow 8 items.

1.  Dress My Truth (Be a real Type 1 person and love it).
2.  Eat clean, 31 days of no-processed foods on $4 a day.
3.  Treat kids & spouse as they are the gifts that my Heavenly Father gave me and give them all the love and confidence I possibly can.
4.  Exercise daily (well 6 days a week).
5.  Sleep better, meaning go to bed early and wake early.
6.  Save money.
7.  Create a home in 31 days.
8.  Turn work off when it's time to turn work off!

Sunday, October 21st will be DAY 1.  Each day, I will share my progress.
Here we go!

With Love, Me

Sunday, April 1, 2012

One, Third Done!

It's already been 4 months.  So, how am I doing on my goals?  Humm.  Some good.  Some not so well.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Look how far I've come. . .

It's been 13 weeks - since I started training with Angela.
My progress has been fast and slow.
I am still overweight.  BUT, I am not gaining more weight.  I have lost 8 lbs..  I have lost lots and lots of inches too. And I have gained tons of muscles.  I can bench press 20 lb dumbbells in each hand (15 reps 3x).  I can run 10 minute mile for 20 minutes and then workout on other machines/lift/etc.  (when I started my mile was 14 minutes, today I can do 1 mile at an 8 min mile pace).  I don't ache as much as I did.

I love working out.  I love being strong. I love definition.  I love the high I get from it.  I love that my husband supports me a ton - I always have to show off my muscles to him and he pays attention, and tells me I'm strong and it makes me laugh.  I still have 30 lbs to go.  And I'm going to get there. But, today I am relishing in the fact that I am STRONG!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do people try sabotaging you?

So, my first goal is to lose 38 lbs.  It's been a process so far.  I am in week 12 - of hard core 3X training.  It's been good.  I've lost 4 inches, but only 1% body fat.  I am super strong.  I can do things I never could.  My clothes fit better.  I eat tons of fruits and vegetables and have eliminated most garbage.  I am happier.  I love to workout!!!  And that is huge.  I am kind of a germ-a-phob.  The gym is filled with people's sweat and yuck.  And even my own is kind of scary.  So, I'm learning to overcome fears, get healthy and hopefully lose weight (actually I know I will).

My trainer and I decided maybe I should check if it's my thyroid.  So, I made an appointment with my Dr.  just to check if my thyroid is messed up.  I went to the Dr. last night.  And had an eye opening experience. He basically did not listen or want to listen to anything I said.  He commented that some people are destined to be overweight.  And that even if I lost weight I would gain it all back.

SO - I won't be going back to him.

But, I kept thinking.  I know nutrition.  I know what foods I need to eat.  I know that when I eat less than I burn - I will lose weight.  So, what is he talking about?  And the other thing I kept thinking is - that I know the Lord wants me to be happy too.  The last Ensign had an article about that.  I know that faith is believing and then doing all within my power to achieve.  (Bible Dictionary - Faith - Faith is a principle of action and of power).

I didn't really get discouraged by him.  I was shocked and surprised.  But, then again people do weird things.  Maybe he thought I was after surgery or drugs.  Some people do that too.  But, not me.  I hope to never be on medication.  I hope to never have a surgery.  

So, basically instead of listening to others.  We need to know the truth.  There are laws about health.  If I eat healthy and exercise (which I plan to be a very healthy active person), then the law of health says - I will be.  Of course illness, injury and things can complicate it.  But, I can be the healthiest me.

It just reminds me - that not everyone knows what they are talking about and so we need to have those we trust in our corner.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pinterest only makes my to do list longer. . .

I have been thinking about how far behind on EVERYTHING I am.  Yep.  EVERYTHING!  And I mentioned it to my hubby and he says, that is because you pinterest.  Ha, ha. .  Could be true.  Actually, I have just bitten off way more than I can chew.  And I actually do that ALOT!  So, after he mentioned that - I just mentioned.  Well maybe.  But, my to do list is HUGE now because of pinterest.

So, some to do's.

Valentine's to do's.
1.  Gift for Joel (a balloon for each year we have been married - 14 1/2 and with those balloons I am going to write a word for the year.  Example - #1 LOVE, #2 CHANGE, #3 FAMILY, #4 CHALLENGE, #5 -- wow 15 might be hard.  Ha, Ha.)
2.  I bought acrylic cups with straws for my family and heart ice cube trays. I am trying to be healthier and we consume a lot more water when we each have a cup.  So, they will have these cute cups on Valentines. I already broke into mine and they totally fought over it.  Can't wait to give them their own.  :)
3.  My son will do bouncy ball things to give away - not sure he is thrilled about this.  (I may let him choose real valentines).  
4.  My daughter will do finger puppet cupcakes to give to kids with a heart crayon for them to use to color.  
5.  Make valentine cookies.  
AND Last 
6.  Make heart stones.  I LOVE THESE.

So, lots to do. But, hope it's all fun.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Review of Goals - Early February

1.  Lose at least 38 lbs. Still going strong.  I'm doing good here.  I have lost about 8 lbs.  WAHOO!
2.  Work out with trainer, Ang 3x a week. Ang is amazing trainer.  Ang is amazing.  She is always so positive and so much fun!  I love working out.  I love her to death.  She is helping me change my life.  
3.  Run 3 times a week for at least 8 miles, (can do 2 days of 2, and 1 day of 4, 2 days of 3, one day of 2 . . . . )  BTW, if it decides to snow, I will run in my snowshoes. Need to improve here.  
4., 5., 6.,   I want to run 3-- 13.1 races.  I want to do the one in Poci (November - Just because), I want to do the Halloween one in Provo (October), and possibly one in early summer. Ang will start training me in spring (lots of pressure).  :) Not so good yet on this one.  I need to figure out how to work out at home.  URGH.  I better start this week!
7. Move into my house in 8 months (give or take 3 months on either side). -  8 months would be August.  We can do impossible things.  :) The tile on the deck and upper stairs is done.  Did I mention - I have an extremely talented husband who is building our house one nail at a time, by himself.  He is very creative, thoughtful and amazing!  It looks so good.  I dream about sitting on the deck all year round and enjoying our amazing views.  BTW, everyone who builds a house should totally take LAEP classes.  If you don't - you aren't fully capturing what your land can do.  I will live next to a lake, we choose to build a second story house - the 2nd story is where we will live and I have 360 degree views - that are breathtaking.  I LOVE IT!  And when we move it, our house will be paid for.  So, onward and upward.  (Picking out the floors, insulation, wiring for the house- right now).
8., 9., 10. Finish the polka dot quilts.  I will be done this year.  In fact, I am going to send them to be quilted in a few months.  Need to get on this too! I need to set up my sewing machine so I can use it without setting it up and taking it down.  And setting it up . . . . I can't wait to have my office/sewing/craft/laundry room.  Here is a picture I love and hope to replicate it (in my own way).

11.  Make a homemade Christmas. (Bean bags or ottomans for kids) Loving pinetrest.  Lots of fun creative ideas.  I am also working on not focusing every event on food.  Valentines will be fun toys or quotes.  Once again, Love pinetrest.  Okay - so this past year, I choose to make lots of gifts.  I gave my hubby 365 days.  I gave my boy coupons for fun activities - like hiking, swimming, snowshoeing, etc., I made quilts, etc.  It was fun.  So this next year, I want to do it again.  Some things I am going to start working on:
Gift Ideas - Homemade Year12.  Go up for Promotion and Tenure  - documents ready in July.  Meeting with committee in a couple of weeks.  I have enough material.  Need to get it organized.  This isn't gonna happen.  Darn it.  I guess I will modify this goal too.  (My boss wanted me to wait one more year, when I will have an additional 10 journal articles, a new committee member, and hopefully an additional grant).  It's okay.  OKAY, as I was typing my modification for this will be to work on my documents and projects 2 hours a day.  
13.  Paint, draw, create - each week for 2 hours.  Doing good.  Okay.  Need to step this up!  Although with pinterest - I have tons of things I need to create.  I am loving that.  Except my to do list is way to big.  :)  Ha, Ha.
14.  Help Joel on house for 2-4 hours a week (please don't tell him though).  We will do this this week.  The cold weather is scaring me.  I need to do this though.  I need to schedule time and go over and help me.  I could sweep.  I could clean.  I could put those darn boxes that are in the front of the garage away.  
15.  Keep up on this blog and my 4 bucks a day blog - weekly.  Good.  Slacking off.  Need to do better.  My family is eating healthier though.  Lovin' that!
16.  Have a Christmas party at my house in November.  My new house.  Totally decided on a party.  We are going to have a smores party.  Yep.  Simple.  Yep.  Fun.  We will have our house done.  Have lots of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, fires to roast the mallows, and fondue things to melt chocolate, and lots of fun things like that.  Totally laid back and fun.
17.  Undertake a vigorous study program - church and gospel principles, parenting, art, management, Sterling W. Sills, and read at least 25,000 pages.  Read lots.  I LOVE TO READ!  I love to learn!
18.  Write 100 things I know.  Started.  Need to add like 20 things!  I'm a little behind on this one too!
19.  Attend temple 38 times (almost weekly - this will include baptisms with Abe, when he is old enough).  Temple that is close is closed.  Need to travel and do it.  Need to go.  Grandma Wease is working on names for us - we need to go visit her and learn how.  Today, our Stake President challenged us to each get a name to take to the temple.  My boy asked a week ago if we could attend lots.  We plan too!  I need to go this week.  I better pull out my planner.
20.  Attend special events, seminars, and cultural activities - shoot for 4 (alone or with others in my family, or my friends).  TOFW, Love and Logic - January, etc.  Love and Logic is this week. Absolutely loved LOVE AND LOGIC.  I may be going to DC in April.  And to Tennessee then too.  It should be a grand adventure.  I will have to see if these special events qualify for my self improvement.  :)  Although, this can be done locally.  I have decided that we always need to refresh and renew.  After attending Love and Logic, I learned that even though I read, being there was A-MAZING!  I need to do that more often. 
21.  Read Enos 1-5 - apply to my life.  Better get on this.
22.  Learn a system and get paper organized.  (keep up on mail and email). Getting better at email.  Now for mail.  Yuck.  
23.  Paint toenails weekly.  Done.  I painted them gold and tipped with gold glitter the first week.  Painted the next 2 weeks with silver and covered with silver glitter toes.  They are gorgeous.  I love the glitter.  It's been fun.  Can't wait to have sandals on.  Painted glitter hearts.  Still love the silver glitter.  Did it with my little girl.  LOVE her toes much better than mine. I'm gonna do a redo with mine.
24.  Get a facial, or two, or three. . . Kids and Joel gave this to me for my birthday.  Need to schedule it.  Need to find a good place.  I may try Sherwood Hills.  Sounds kind of relaxing and not to far to go.  :)
25.  Go to North Carolina.  Went.  But, need to go again.  So fun.  Ready to go visit again.  Loved their whole wheat pancakes and Oh'Charley's cedar planked salmon.  TO DIE FOR.   AND LOVED LOVED LOVED seeing that cute family!
26.  Take a road trip.  Totally gonna do San Diego, and Annie - I promise I will let you know in advance!  
27.  Learn to play racquetball.  I need to see if my teacher will teach me.  I totally added this one, because I have to much pride.  I hate when Joel see's me as a fool.  So, I need him to teach me, because I am a fool.  And quiet honestly, racquetball scares me.  :) Ha, Ha.
28.  Save a ton of money from my paycheck that can be spent on house. (This is kinda personal, so I will keep track on my own.)  Do not buy anything that isn't necessary. Doing great on this.  We have been SAVING!  I love that.  But, it makes my hubby especially happy.  He is a TIGHTWAD!  Yep, not just frugal.  
29.  Eat 5 servings of Fruits and Vegetables daily.  Kicking trash on this!  My whole family is.  We love green smoothies for breakfasts, salads for dinner, and having 5 different citrus for dinner.  Ha, ha. . Guess you had to be there.  
30.  Drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of H20.  Got a couple heart ice cube makers.  Love it.  Water is and always has been my favorite beverage.
31.  Do something amazing for our 15 year anniversary. Planning.  :)  I love to plan.  I totally want to go to my new house for this.  Wouldn't that be fun?
32.  Avoid gossip.  What to say.  I need to improve!    DISCIPLINE - no clothes purchased.  I have not bought any clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc. for over a month.  THAT is HUGE!!!!
33.  Apply second mile, and serve others always, Matt 5:38-42. I need to improve! 34.  Learn to use my embroidery feature on my sewing machine. Need to start on this one.
35.  Become an incredible manager of my time. Doing better.  I'll have to write up some tips I have learned.
36.  Be firm and consistent. Love and Logic has helped me at home.  RECOVER MY CHAIR ZEBRA (need to do this).
37.  Plant a tiny garden. Lots of great ideas on pinterest (garden).  
38.  Design the interior of my house.  
I changed a couple of these.  I changed one to say - join pinterest and another not to buy any clothes until I am at my desired weight loss (even if that means I cinch a belt.)  One other change was to cover my chair in zebra. --- An awesome design website.